Well That Wasnt Planned

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Once on the trampoline Austin decided to show off of course. Back flip, after back flip, after backflip. Somehow his showing off turned into a competition to see who could do the most back flips in a row. As they were "competing" I backed out of the way an started jumping off in the background.

"Babe, come jump with us!" Austin said.

"I can't do flips or anything like that like what you're doing." I said embarrassed.

"I'll show you how. Come on!" Austin said smiling and I came over to them. Austin, Alex, Robert, and Zach stood around me and helped me do a back flip.

"Like I said. I can't do flips. That was horrible!" I said.

"No it wasn't babe! It just takes practice! Come on. Try it again." Austin said. They all got around me and helped me again, but this time it didn't go so well. I landed way wrong and my foot got caught. That's when I heard a snap.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"Babe! Are you ok?" Austin said with a worried tone.

"How bad is it? Look at my ankle. How bad?" I asked frantically. Austin bent to look at it.

"It uh it's um I it" Austin stuttered.

"We need help over here!" Alex yelled and a worker came running. They helped me off of the trampolines and sat me in a chair then the worker disappeared to call 911. Austin looked like he was about to pass out he was freaking out so much.

"Told you I can't do flips." I joked nudging Austin and some of the color returned to his face.

"Can I get you anything?" Austin asked sounding kind of frantic.

"I'm ok babe. Just stay here with me please." I said and slid my hand into his.

"Ok" Austin stuttered. The worker came back a few minutes later with a paramedic. They put me on a stretcher which I don't know I found kinda dramatic. They wouldn't let anyone else on the ambulance so the ride to the hospital felt like forever. Once there they took me in for X Rays immediately. They wheeled me back to a room where Austin, Alex, Robert, and Zach were sitting and Austin immediately shot up out of his chair when he saw me. The doctors made him back up until they got me in the bed. As soon as they left he was once again right by my side.

"Austin I'm ok!" I said brushing my hand on his cheek. He kissed me then walked over to Alex, Robert, and Zach. I heard whispering, but I couldn't make out any if the words. Austin walked back over to me and the rest of the boys left the room.

"Where are they going?" I asked.

"Don't worry babe." Austin said as he pulled a chair over next to me. The doctors came back in with the X Ray and told Austin he'd have to leave.

"No! It's ok! I want him here!" I protested.

"Ok. He can stay. Now we knew just looking at your ankle it was definitely fractured, but with the X Ray we see it's fractured in 2 spots." the doctor said.

"Is that bad?" I asked nervously.

"For you, no because they were clean breaks. We just need to put a cast on it." He said and I felt relieved.

"Ok. That's good!" I said, the relief showing in my voice.

"So what color cast do you want?" the doctor asked.

"Do you have pink?" I asked.

"We do. Is that what you want?" the doctor smiled.

"Yes please!" I said a bit too excited. They put on the cast and gave me crutches. Austin helped me into his truck and took me home.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Austin asked.

"Would you?" I replied.

"Of course babe." Austin said as he got out of his truck. He walked around to my side and opened my door for me then helped me out of the truck. By the time we got inside and settled it was 10:00 already. The pain pills they put me on made me super tired and I guess Austin noticed because next thing I knew he was helping me into bed. He kissed me then started to leave when I stopped him.

"No. Babe. Stay! Please!" I pleaded.

"Let me just call my mom real quick and let her know I'm staying the night ok?" Austin replied.

"Ok." I breathed out. He came back moments later and kissed my forehead as he slid into bed and wrapped around me.

"I love you." He whispered and I just squeezed him harder because the pain pills had almost completely knocked me out by that point. With the warmth of his body pressed against me I drifted off to sleep with our breathing aligned.

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