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HOW ARE YOU DOING, HONEY? The text read; it was from his mom. Take care of yourself, Gallo ok? Call us when u need us. Remember: do ur best and God will do the rest! Love you.

That was the best thing he ever had all day. He smiled and typed, replying a short but sincere text: Sure thing, ma. And I'm fine. Love you all, too!

He closed his phone and sighed down to the red-furred corgi.

His family went back to San Francisco two days ago. Ever since that scene at the church, he couldn't mutter anything or even look directly in the eyes of his parents to even explain the half of its concept, so he did his best to ignore those kinds of questions or divert the topic into elsewhere if it came to that.

They also visited his dormitory, seeing the same two-story room they have. It was a big room for them two and it costs a lot to pay each semester, but the money wasn't a problem especially to the Nuevos. Even though Benedict wasn't as rich as them, he still manages to afford paying his share for the rent.

Galileo's parents had known Benedict since their son first moved-in. And like Damon, he was like their son to them—specially his mother. I think my mom thinks every nice guy who I'm friends with is automatically her son! Galileo chuckled at the stupid thought while shaking his head.

"God, I miss Gio." He sighed to himself, leaning on the backrest of the bleachers as the little pup yelped at him and started chasing his own tiny tail.

He missed everything about his little brother: from his calm and playful demeanor to his kinky and mysterious side. He even remembered when he found a small stash of porn magazines under Giovanni's bed! His little brother's face was priceless. He used those magazines for his advantage so that his little brother would do all the chores and not question him.

Fights were done in the past, grudges are now gone and family problems were resolved. They were always a peaceful family. Galileo pouted at the thought of that. God! How he miss those funny moments wherein they fight for simple things that causes unnecessary family drama.

He wanted to go home, right there, at that exact moment. But he couldn't. And he would not, of course. Because back when he was on the 8th Grade at San Francisco, his father had a big offer from the Callisto University of Seattle to send his oldest son to their prestigious university that offers a high-school program from freshmen to senior years—and the plan was for him to continue studying there until he graduates college.

It wasn't a big surprise that they received an invitation; after all, it was Galileo's brains that made his school in San Francisco rise to the top.

The university only chooses rare amounts of students to be enrolled on that prestigious university, making sure that each student has potential to make the university rise to the top.

"It's a university you don't want to miss, Gallo!" his best friend Monica had said back then in San Francisco. She was talkative and giddy girl, her ponytail jumping in excitement for her friend as she talks.

Her most remarkable feature was her freckles; they turn redder every time she blushes, and he finds it so adorable. He had remembered this scene four years ago, and it was still so clear.

"You know, if I were you," she had once said, "I wouldn't even blink before I sign their offer! D'you know how many students are dying to get an invitation? For Stephanie's sake! Three out of a hundred! Can you imagine that?"

And yes, it was she whom Galileo had adapted the "for Stephanie's sake" term.

The said university was a largely popular academy, known for its prestigious learning and exquisite professors that implements really strict policies. Their grade expectations were so high that students become too competitive that nobody in the academy fails—even the lazy ones were being converted into hardworkers.

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