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GALILEO JUST FAINTED. Damon was lost for words, but he knows his best friend doesn't get these normal faints—hell, this is the very first time he had seen him faint of all their four years of friendship.

He tried shaking him awake, but it was futile. The bullies screamed teases—shouting things like "CPR that bitch!" and so on—but Damon had enough.

He was going after them but decided that his friend's life was more important than retaliating to those bullies, so he concluded that he'll be bringing Galileo to that ridiculous nurse's clinic.

Damon was going to pick Galileo's body in bridal-style but something stopped him, making him gasp.

It wasn't the school bell—though it rang wildly that made students groan and were forced to leave their seats and head on to their next classes—but was thankful nonetheless because it was as if the bell had triggered the pupils to stop their bickering.

Some students had already left the cafeteria but there were still plentiful who stayed and watched Damon, who was frozen in his place.

This was the reason that made him gasp: Galileo's eyes slowly started to open turning Damon's lips into a crooked grin, but it was replaced by a deep, confused frown right after.

He was not greeted by his usual sparkling green eyes; instead, he was looking sharp at those white eyes that were covering his friend's greener pastures.

Alice gasped when she saw this and Natalie was motionless—too shocked to give any more reactions.

The students who are starting to leave got their attention back when Vivian and her boyfriend, with his team of football players and cheerleaders, formed a circle to have a glimpse of all the commotion going on.

Only several students got in the circle while the others, uninterested, left the almost-empty cafeteria.

Everyone stared at Galileo—like he was some sort of experiment—in awe. Vivian decided to be the one breaking the silence. "What the hell is he doing?"

Nobody answered her rhetorical question.

Galileo seemed to be looking everywhere, like he was lost and trapped somewhere he doesn't know. His milky-eyes searched somewhere, but seemed dissatisfied at what he was looking at.

He looked up at everyone in the circle, narrowing his eyes as if searching for an open exit. Damon observed that his friend wasn't looking at any of them in particular because he can sense that Galileo can't even see them.

He's in a nightmare, Damon contemplated, but the only difference was that he is awake—as if his body was present but his mind was wandering in a different realm, however the mysterious thing is that they both move in sync.

"Oh god," Vivian chuckled. "What's with his creepy-ass eyes? Was he wearing contacts all this time? Seems ugly, don't you think?"

She faced her boyfriend when he didn't reply or laughed with her because he was intensely observing the fellow. She nudged him a couple of times and calling out anyone's attention but they all seems so intrigued to even care.

Going back to Galileo, he's acting as if his hands were tied on his back even though there were no tangible strings that were constricting his wrists.

Galileo seemed to look afraid—puzzled even. He was staring at Vivian more intensely than to the others, making heads turn to her direction.

Galileo's lips parted a bit, his breathing heavy. It was the only sound that was filling the deadly silent dome. He tried to stand but only ended up falling back onto his butt as he squirmed free of his invisible chains that were tied behind him.

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