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I handed over the money and took the purchases, a new dress and brush. I thanked the storekeeper and walked out into the bustling streets of Orynth. Weaving through crowds I made my way home. Nearing my street I smelled the acrid smell of smoke. I looked up ward and saw great black clouds of billowing smoke rising from my street. Instantly I dropped my purchases and hiked up my skirts. Then, I ran. I ran to my home, a homey little house for just me and my parents. Gasping I reached my residence, to see a group of men in front of my householding torches. I stared at my home, or what was left of it any way. It had been torched, burned to the ground, gone all the keepsakes of my parents and past. My face streaked with tears and hands clenched in fists I turned to the leader of the men. He looked at time the fire glinting off his blue eyes making him look like a demon. Recognition widened my eyes, it was Noah. Noah is or was my friend, Noah Aedion Westfall, was burning my home, he was tearing his place out of my heart. The men began to jeer,
"Witch!" They called. "Go on die, we don't care." "Go die like your witch mother." I cold feel my anger and power rising, I was going to lose control. I yelled, "Yes well, as you can see I am no wit—." Noah interrupted with a smooth and silky voice, "then what flickers in your hand." It was true, I looked down and my hands the ice flame flickered deathly cold and beautifully bright. I whispered, "leave me alone." The men snickered but backed away. Noah said over his shoulder, "pray that we don't meet again Mel."
I bit back a sob and retort. I drifted to the slightly burning embers of my home; I shifted through the burned remains of my belongings. I plucked some charred clothing and food out of the rubble. Tears ran down my face as I packed my bag. When I finished collecting all that could be salvaged, I stood. I began to walk north, towards the Forgotten Valley. As I walked I did not look back.

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