2. The Tutor

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"He's so gorgeous and he helped me up and I was a total bimbo just blushing." I gushed over the phone to Rose.

"Really?! What's his name?"

"Dawson. Isn't that just the hottest name?!"

"No kidding. Let's hear a description."

"Blond hair, blue eyes, nice build, probably around six feet tall."

"Very sexy. I approve. And that's totally cool of your uncle to let you stay in your own room."

"I know right!"

"Well, I could only talk for a little while. I'll see you later Gracie. Maybe I can come visit sometime."

"That would be amazing. You can stay in my room. God knows I have enough space."

"That'd be perfect. We'll work it out later. Bye!"

"See ya!"

She hung up and I set my phone down. Tomorrow I start school. I wonder what all the people are going to be like. I mean I've gotten a small taste. That one selfish prick today, then the gorgeous Dawson, so who knows what can happen.


I really tried to tie my tie, but to no avail. I just can't do it. So I now have an awkward lopsided tie around my neck. It's cool with me though.

I slipped on my stupid skirt, shirt and jacket. I put on my combat boots for shoes just to shake things up. I straightened out my hair then pinned pieces up to make it stick out and look super awesome.

I grabbed my new book bag my mom bought me (I do not like it for the record) and ran out of there. I was already a bit late. I looked at my schedule and it said first period was biology. It took me a while to find the right room, but I finally did. I opened the door and walked in. Immediately everyone looked up. I saw a lot of people's eyes go wide, except for one person's. That stupid arrogant prick from yesterday. He was sitting in the back of the room with a bored look.

"Excuse me young lady, you are?" the teacher asked.

"Gracie May Howards." I said handing her a slip.

"Oh! The dean's niece. Very well, take a seat where ever, I'll have my teacher's aide help you out in a bit."

I nodded.

I went and sat in the back, but not near the prick. The teacher talked for a little and I tried to pay attention, but I just am not good at keeping focused. I really actually tried though, because I want to keep my hair and I have to actually pass the class and not cause trouble to do that. I'm not sure how though. I have the worst attention span and I don't really know anything about biology.

Finally Mrs. Lenard, I found out, finished and we had time to work on our stuff. I noticed that the prick didn't have any books or notebooks out. The teacher went and talked to him for a second and he nodded. I noticed him walking my way. Oh gosh. Please tell me he's not the teacher's aide.

"Hey, I'm here to help. I'm the teacher's aide." He said in a bored tone.

I just looked up and glared at him. "I don't need help from you." I snapped.

He chuckled and looked down at my paper where all my little doodles were. "I can see, because you took such diligent notes."

I covered them up and continued to glare. "Just tell me what you need to then go away."

"I'm here to help you catch up a little with the class."


"What do you know about biology?"

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