7. The Tutor

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I sighed and looked in the mirror. It's eleven in the morning and I officially woke up two minutes ago. I'm a disaster. I quickly got in the shower and took a look at my hair. All the color is beginning to fade really bad. It doesn't look as cool anymore. I sighed and took out the box of dye my mother gave me.

It's time.

An hour later my hair is now just shiny blonde. Not bad though. It looks nice. My hair is getting so long. I should do something about that. I looked through my stuff and found a pair of scissors. My hair is about to the small of my back. WAY too long. I started snipping and cutting. I chopped up my bangs so they didn't look like they were part of my hair and I made a lot more layers. I ended up cutting my hair to my shoulders and it was perfect. Layered beautifully and it fit my face really well. I loved it. The question is, what will Carson think?

I don't care. I like it and that's all that matters.

I was actually feeling a lot better. I only woke up once last night to puke and the color is back in my face.

Yesterday was weird. Carson has feelings for me? When did he even begin to have feelings in general?!

I sighed. I have a long day ahead of me. Carson took my homework last night and said he'd turn it all in for me today.

I went and sat on my bed. My head feels so light without all my hair. I shook it and laughed. I'm so curious about what Carson is going to say.

I turned on the TV and decided to see what was on. The Notebook was on so I settled for that. I got out my notebook with all my notes. I'm actually going to study. Shocking I know.

Once the super long movie finished and I felt like my head was going to explode I decided to take a short walk. More like sneak out and grab a cup of coffee.

I put on some shoes and made my way out.

I walked down the hall and out the door. I should be okay. Everyone is in class right now.

I went down the little coffee stand and ordered my usual. When all of the sudden I heard, "What do you think you're doing?" from behind me.

I turned around. There was my uncle. "I just wanted a coffee! I promise!"

"You're still sick, you need to stay indoors. It's freezing outside.

"It's a warm coffee."

"What did you do to your hair?"

"I died it back to its original color and cut it."

He smiled. "Well, it looks great. You may have a real future is hairstyling."

"I never thought of that." I said smiling.

"Well, get back to your room now. Is Carson going to stop by and tutor you today?"

"Yeah, he is."

"Alright. I have noticed a tremendous jump in your grades. Compared to last year you're doing wonderful."

"Yeah, he's actually a really good tutor."

"He is the best. Now, I'll ask you one last time to go back up to your room!" He said chuckling and pushing me in that direction. I laughed and walked back up to my room.

I went and continued studying and watching chick flicks until I finally heard a knock at my door.

I went and eagerly opened it. Carson stood there and then instantly his face turned to shock when he saw my hair.

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