Chapter Seven

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May sighed. She was laying on her bed and texting her friends after school. How did Peyton even find out about this? She thought to herself. She wondered how many people knew about it. May's phone buzzed. She picked it up and saw a text from Carly. Before she could respond, she heard a knock at her door. 

"May, honey! Time to come eat!" May's mom called from the other side of the door. 

May groaned and refused to open the door. Her mom opened the door and walked in. 

"Is something wrong?" her mom asked. 

"No, I'm just not feeling as normal as usual. Can I eat in my room tonight?" she asked. 

May's mom hesitated. "Sure, sweetie. Are you sure you're feeling all right?" she asked again. She put her hand on May's forehead. 

"Yes, Mom. I'm fine. I just need some time alone." May said. 

"Okay." her mom said. "You never told me about what happened at your dance on Friday night. I'd like to hear about it later, May."

May groaned again. Her mom walked downstairs and came back up with dinner. "If there's anything bothering you at school, come tell me, May. Don't hesitate if something is going on," she said as she gave May her food and walked out of her room. 

"Yeah right, and be that kid who got her parents involved? No thank you." May mumbled to herself. 

May spent the rest of the night in her room, on her phone and on social media texting her friends. The next morning, May got up an hour earlier than usual, so she got ready for school. Her mom and sister weren't awake yet, so she left a sticky note on her door that read: 

Mom, I left for school early. I walked down, and I will walk home, too. 

 ~ Sincerely, May

She quietly walked out the front door and locked it with the key that was hidden in the garden. She walked down the hill to school. When she got inside, she walked over to the main staircase and decided to wait there for Jeffrey. Surprisingly, Jeffrey was already there. 

"Jeffrey! What are you doing here so early?" May asked. 

"Oh, I wanted to talk to you," he replied. "I'm sorry I doubted you about Peyton," he said. 

"Oh, that's okay," May responded. 

The week flew by quickly and soon it was Friday. The bell rang, and it was officially the weekend. May was walking out of class towards the front of the school. Before she walked out of the team area, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Jeffrey standing there. 

"Hey, so I was thinking maybe we could get together this weekend and do something," he said. 

"Okay, well maybe we could go skating," May suggested. 

"Okay, that sounds fun," Jeffrey said. "So tonight, Saturday, or Sunday?" 

"Any time this weekend, as long as I can stay away from my mom," May replied. 

"How about tonight?" Jeffrey asked. 

"Sure," May said. "I'll just text my mom real quick." 

May: Hey mom, I'm having a sleepover at Carly's house tonight. I'm riding the bus home with her

Mom: Don't you need to come home first and pack a bag?

May: No, I packed one this morning before leaving for school. So I'll be at Carly's house all night, and her mom is dropping me off near the school, so I can just walk home from there tomorrow morning

Mom: Okay, well have fun, sweetie!

"Okay, so am I just gonna ride the bus home with you and someone in your family will just drive us to the skating rink?" May asked. 

"Most likely," Jeffrey replied. "My mom has been wanting to meet you. And my sisters are excited to meet you, too." 

May was a little surprised that Jeffrey's family knew about them dating. May hadn't told her mom anything about her friends, or the dance, or Jeffrey. "Okay, well that sounds good," said May. When Jeffrey took her to his bus, she felt a little nervous. She felt nervous about meeting Jeffrey's family. They sat down on the bus together. Jeffrey's friends were all looking at him and smiling. 

"Just ignore them," he whispered to May. He took out his phone and texted his mom that he was taking May to go skating. 

A kid who was sitting behind Jeffrey, a kid on the other eighth grade team at school named Noah, tapped him on the shoulder. Jeffrey turned around. "You talk a lot about your girlfriend but you never said she was that hot!" he said. Jeffrey turned around without saying anything, and May smiled awkwardly. They were silent the whole bus ride, thinking that another one of the kids on Jeffrey's bus was going to make a remark about them. 

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