Chapter Twelve

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A couple of weeks had passed since May's dad left. May had her cast removed and was no longer on crutches. 

"So, May, are you excited for the soccer season to start?" May's mom asked her at breakfast. 

"Sure," May said. She was still mad at her mom for yelling at her a few weeks ago at the hospital. She was able to hold a grudge against someone for a very long time. 

She finished breakfast and walked to school. She walked into school and was about to look for Jeffrey when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around to see who it was. She saw Peyton standing behind her. "Um...hi?" 

"What, is it so surprising that I'm talking to you?" Peyton asked. 

"No, it's just I thought you hated me," May replied. 

"Well, then. I'm not as mean as you think I am. I know somebody who wants to steal Jeffrey. And she blackmailed me into kissing him in front of you." Peyton said. 

"What? Who?" May asked. 

"Reagan," Peyton answered. "She likes Jeffrey and is planning to steal him from you. You're welcome for telling you," she added and then walked off. 

May walked over to the staircase that Jeffrey usually waited by. When she got there, Jeffrey wasn't there. She asked his friends where he was. One of them said he was by the other eighth grade team area. May walked up the stairs to the other team and looked for him. She saw him walking into the team area and followed him. When May got closer to him, she saw that he was with Reagan. 

"Jeffrey!" she yelled. 

Jeffrey turned around and walked up to May. Reagan quickly turned her head and gave May a dirty look. 

"Hey," Jeffrey smiled at her. 

"Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" May asked. 

Before Jeffrey could answer, Reagan walked up to May. "Actually, I have something to tell May real quick." she said as she took May's arm and pulled her aside. 

"I know Peyton told you," she said. 

"Told me what?" May said innocently. 

"I know she told you I want your boyfriend. And I am just going to inform you right now, that he likes me, too. In fact, I'm going to do you a little favor," Reagan smirked at May, and then turned around. May watched as Reagan skipped off to Jeffrey, her dirty blond high ponytail bouncing. 

"Hey Jeffrey," Reagan said when she got back to Jeffrey. "May told me something that I think you should know. She said she liked another boy, who goes to a different school," she lied. 

Jeffrey looked confused. "No," he paused for a second. "She wouldn't do that, she likes me," he said.

"But she did," Reagan said to him. "And you deserve better than her," she said. Reagan saw May walking up to them. "May wants to break up with you," Reagan said quickly. 

"What?" Jeffrey said, confused. 

Reagan quickly kissed Jeffrey to distract him from May. May walked up and saw. As soon as she saw, she ran back down to her team area. The day seemed to take forever, and May was refusing to answer any texts from Jeffrey. 

When she got home from school, she finally answered the texts. 

MAY: I don't want an explanation of what happened. I think maybe we just need some time away from each other. Date Reagan if you want. I really don't care anymore. 

After she sent the text, she blocked his number. She spent the rest of the week skipping class and crying in her room. On Friday, she got a text from Carly. 

CARLY: Did you break up with Jeffrey or something??

MAY: Kind of...

CARLY: Him and Reagan are dating now!! Why would you want to break up with someone as sweet as Jeffrey and let him date someone as mean as Reagan??

MAY: I didn't WANT to...Reagan was obviously gonna steal him anyway

After that, she stopped texting Carly. Friday night lasted forever. All May did was watch movies and cry herself to sleep. Then, it was Saturday. May's first soccer practice of the season. 

When I Kissed You - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now