Mayhem in the Ruins

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The abandoned neighborhood was completely still and Sadie didn't like it one bit. They had been traveling for days at this point and they hadn't encountered a single monster, which was rather odd considering that she had been using her magic quite often since they had gotten out of the cave. Snow still covered the ground, the cold air making their breath fog.

"Search the houses, there might be supplies or survivors," Jenny said, grabbing Jack's arm before he could run off, "As for you three, you're going to walk with me,"

"Why can't we help?" Jack grumbled, his body buzzing with the need for adventure.

"There might be some unpleasant things you don't need to see," Jenny answered and that made Jack still, unease rolling off him. Sadie couldn't blame him. Although the thought of exploring was tempting, she didn't want to discover something...dead.

"Shout if something happens," Sam said before he went off with Popi, Henry and Owen going off in another direction. Jenny walked them through the empty streets, staying clear of the houses that had been reduced to piles of rubble.

"Do you think there are any monsters here?" Pang asked as they made their way through the street.

"I don't sense any," Sadie said as she looked around. Of course, she wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for. She wasn't sure if what she felt at Grandma's house was what monsters always radiated, but she still left her senses open for the possibility.

"Don't get your hopes up Sadie, monsters have been hiding from us for thousands of years. They are masters of stealth and can easily hide their location," Jenny said in a mysterious tone that made Sadie giggle. "Though, it wouldn't hurt to be on guard," she added as wind swept through, the hint of Jenny's magic urging it on.

A shriek rang through the air and a shout that sounded like Henry followed. The group froze, tense with anticipation. Sadie couldn't pick up anything, her magic going crazy as she searched. The sound of steel cut through the air and a yelp. Henry was in trouble, something was happened. Could it be traitors? Could Owen be a-

Before Sadie could finish that thought, Owen came flying over a building, looking ragged. His shirt was torn and his magic was raging.

"Monsters, Henry's leading them away. We have to hide the kids, quickly," Owen grabbed Jack's hand and they all ran off.

Sadie quickly followed the two of them as the sound of fighting echoed over the rubble of the houses. She hoped that Henry wouldn't end up getting hurt. If he did, she really would punch him this time.

"Quickly, in here!" Jenny exclaimed, ducking into the doorway of a semi-collapsed house. The place leaked faintly of death and what Sadie could have guessed was monster. Malice then hit her square in the face and she choked as she was temporarily blinded by the sudden murderous intent. A hand grabbed her arm and she was dragged into somewhere dark. Sadie put a tight lid on Courage and the malice lifted, leaving her staring at the crooked door of a pantry. Owen stood by her, his eyes trained on the door. Something was outside, making the light dim as it passed the door. Breath that reeked of blood filled the small space and left Sadie trying not to gag.

"I thought she was here!" a rough voice growled, "I swear her disgusting magic was all over this pile of rubble!" A hiss and the sound of something large crashing into wood made Sadie wince.

"Shut up you worm!" a monster screeched and Sadie felt her magic try to wrestle itself free from her tight hold. Her monster was on the other side of this door. Owen's hold on her tightened and he took out his dagger. "I can't point out her scent...too many human scents interfering" he roared in frustration, shaking the little shack that the two were hiding in.

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