End of the Line

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Vin really didn't like the idea of destroying the generators. He's heard stories of monsters cutting themselves off from them and going crazy. I mean, it's where they get their energy from, why wouldn't you go crazy? However.

"We still haven't found her sir..." one of Fenris' minions said to the large creature. Just the sight of him made chills run down Vin's cold body.

"Find her or I'll tear your head off..." Fenris hissed as the two of them stalked by.

Sadie was right about one thing, if she tried to fight Fenris...she'd be dead. He didn't want her to die. His fear of the unknown was squashed by resolve to protect the young girl who was huddle beside him.

"You sure they won't be able to sense me?" Sadie asked, her eyes wild as she looking around.

Vin gave her a reassuring smile, "Trust me. You look scared out of your wits but I'm not sensing one tiny shred of it." She gave him a nervous smile, her tense shoulders relaxing a bit. His fear left him. He didn't care what happened to him. All he knew is that the humans didn't deserve this. Sadie didn't deserve to feel like this. "Let's go." he said.

Vin made sure to keep her ooze thick. Hopefully it would be enough to keep Courage hidden, but that magic seemed to be eating away at his ooze, no matter how much he put on.

"I'm trying to suppress them, but they don't want to sit still," Sadie said as he dragged her along. They stayed close to the buildings, veering off into side tunnels if there were a lot of monsters nearby. They were playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse and Vin didn't like being the mouse.

"It's fine, I've heard you just got it," Vin said as he pulled her behind an outcrop of black rocks to let a patrol pass. The squads were growing in number the closer they got to the generators. They really didn't want her to find them.

"Thanks for helping me again," she replied as he pulled her along. They slid down another level. Her hand shook in his hold, the only sign of her fear. It broke his heart. "If you hadn't been there...."

"I wasn't about to just let them tear you apart. You don't deserve it. None of you deserve any of this," Vin said. He stopped in an abandoned building, "We'll rest here for a bit before we move on." The walls were filled with holes which gave him plenty of places to watch for other monsters. They sat in silence for a bit, Sadie quaking beside him while he kept a sharp eye outside.

"I hope we find Popi..." she said. Vin didn't let himself look at her. Humans were very strange creatures, making bonds that always made them sad. It was one of the things that always confused him. Humans made friends...but those same friends would always hurt them. Don't they ever learn? It's better to not bother.

"Do you ever get lonely down here...all by yourself?" she asked and the question threw him off.

"I...well...not really..." Vin said, ignoring his churning stomach. No, he didn't need anyone. He was fine.

"You're not a very good liar..." she said. He was about to answer when shouting reached his ears. Sadie perked at the noise and joined him, looking out at the black landscape in search of the source. It was getting louder as they waited. It sounded familiar but Vin couldn't quite place where he's heard it. A group of monsters came prowling out from behind a cluster of rocks and Sadie gasped.

"Let me go you stink bombs!!!" the angel from before shrieked as she struggled in their hold. She must have been on the verge of a burn out because she wasn't using her magic. Her staff was nowhere to be seen, probably broken up above.

"It's Popi, we've got to help her," Sadie said, grabbing his arm.

"We can't, it's too dangerous," he said but she wasn't going to take no for an answer. He couldn't grab her fast enough before she ran out, Courage blazing from her and eating away at his ooze. Why did humans have to be so stupid sometimes! Vin rushed after her.

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