chapter 13 - The girl and the chest

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Zhan woke up suddenly after being drenched with a bucketful of some smelly watery liquid. "What the fuck!!! what is it?!! What the... What..." Zhan screamed. He saw Dong Xu laugh and take a sip off his wine jar. He said, "look son, you are young, you should focus on greater things in life, not some dead possessed girl. There's a whole universe for you to explore. You may not be a human, but even Zhakas can achieve great things in life if led on a good path."

Zhan jerked off Dong's hand from his shoulder. "You are a monster, a fucking pedo and and...and" he said in anger. Xu laughed again and said, "and a talented witch doctor."

Zhan laughed at these words of his. He said, "you are nothing but a slimy old bastard, you could have saved her but you didn't, you made a salad out of her corpse!!!! What the fuck man!!!" he then started banging his head on the mirror. The mirror began to crack.

Dong ran to him and pulled him away from the mirror. "What the fuck are you doing? This mirror was gifted to me by empress BingBing, it's very expensive you fucktard child!!!"

Zhan whacked him away with his tail. He was thrown backwards and he hit the wall. Dong was stunned a bit because of the attack. Zhan walked towards him and began laughing loudly. He shoved his leg at Dong's throat and twisted his feet a little. Dong grabbed his throat and began gasping for breath, "what did you do to me you assnugget? Tell me you buffaloshit, tell me!!!!!"

Zhan picked up a hat from the bed with his tail and placed it on his head. "How do I look old man? Look I have lots of mysteries hidden in my clothes. I am a fraking smuggler as well as an occassional assassin, so I have a lot of cool hidden stuff you don't know about."

Dong started to cough, he wasn't able to even stand up on his feet. He vomitted a lot of blood. Zhan walked up to him and started dancing, his ipad started playing michael jackson's 'beat it' automatically. He said while dancing to the song:
"you have some time, so you better understand!
You should just die and rot, you fucking man!!! YEAHH!!
You better be tough and face your own end, sooooo beat it, so beat it!!!"

He then leaned close to Dong and said, "I mixed a small poison pellet in that wine of yours. I used it to kill high profile bigshots a long time back!! I didn't know I still had some with me, you know what, the moment it went in your throat the nano sensor in it gave me the signal. It also has an adhesive substance on it's surface which sticks to your throat the moment you drink the fucking thing. I just had to crush the pellet and release the poison in your body bruhh!!! Haha, you just have a few minutes to live but before you die I need to do another thing."

Dong Xhu was now coughing blood as well. He asked, ""

Zhan began doing a little moonwalk and said, "Just a little...... SKILLSTEALING !!!!!!!"

He pulled out a sharp electrode from under the bed. The electrode was connected to a small monitor via springwires. He also pulled out a small ear muff kinda apparatus which had it's own set of wires, it also had small sharp glowing syringes on each of it's sides.

He took the entire machine, assembled it and then crawled frantically over to Dong. He gave a big smile at him and then took the sharp electrode and plunged it harshly into Dong's forehead. The old man started twitching and saliva started oozing out of his mouth. He laughed and said, "you can get everything in black market these days man!"

Zhan placed the ear muff apparatus on his head. The monitor began displaying a hundred different readings and charts which showed details of the various skills of Dong that was being transferred to Zhan. He began moving and twitching the same way as Dong.

Zhan's mouth morphed into a sinister smile everytime a skill was transferred to him.

After 20 or so minutes, the computer started beeping, The objective has been achieved, he thought. Zhan got up to his feet, wiped the saliva from his mouth, and threw the ear muff apparatus away. He looked at Dong, he was almost dead, smoke was coming out of the wound where the electrode had penetrated his skull. His eyes were rolled backwards and he was twitching every few seconds.

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