Chapter 2: Change

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-January 30th. 2007-

Possibly one of the hardest parts was having to wait a day before driving to the house. That was the woman's personal request. But it was reasonable. It is her house after all. And that girl is, as reluctant as he is to admit, her daughter.

She's already been gracious and polite enough to let him come over today. Shortly before the girl comes home from school. He didn't even want to know what the girls name was. He'd rather hear it in person. All he knows is the "mothers" name is Gwyneth Meyers. Gwyn is what she prefers to go by.

Even still knowing he was invited over the phone to see the seven year old was causing his heart to race. And all he had to do was bring the adoption documents from the agency and his driver's license as proof he's who he says he is.

Something he makes a note to thank Cecelia for, among the other countless things he has because of her. Hayley would never admit it nowadays but Cecelia was a huge help and comfort to them during and after the adoption process. Hayley especially. Despite how bitter she felt, seeing the woman as a representative for the agency she loathed. The only people she resented more were her parents for forcing her to give up her baby.

But they were too young back then and she knew that. Hell, they're still young now. But they have jobs. They're legally adults.

He would like to think that they're ready now... if given the opportunity to take on that mantle...

That's neither here nor there however.

As he approached the wide concrete porch with an old white wooden railing, paint peeling off he couldn't shake off how... strange it felt to not have Hayley with him in this moment. Of all people. He knows she loves the child. There's no question about it. Perhaps her protective motherly instinct is getting the better of her. He could easily see that. Hayley being an overprotective momma bear...

With a deep breath to try and calm his nerves and the adoption documents from the agency tucked under his arm he lifted a hand from his side, clutched his hand into a fist and tapped his knuckles against the doors white painted metal surface. The neighborhood seemed decent. Still not a place he'd want to be caught after dark.

In his mind it takes an eternity for the door to pull open. A small woman standing behind it before flashing Josh a warm smile. "You must be that young man on the phone I spoke with. Joshua Farro?" In a polite and welcoming tone.

Josh returned the smile and nodded once "Just Josh is fine. Thank you so much for inviting me over."

Gwyneth merely waved him off with a soft chuckle. "It's no trouble at all! My eldest daughter Carly has been the biggest fan of that band of yours... No, not that daughter." She adds relatively quickly to the end of her comment. Clarifying that this girl is not his girl.

A paranoid thought worms it's way into his head. So his baby has heard of his band? Or heard they're music. She said that "Carly" was a big fan, not...

Doing his best to shake the thoughts clear from his head. There's no sense in worrying about whether or not his daughter likes his music...

Josh smiles politely takes the papers from under his arm. Handing them over to the kind woman before reaching for his wallet after. Wiggling out his drivers license and handing it over also.

It was a bit odd to him initially that Gwyneth would want to see so much information. Then he reminded himself that he called her out of the blue, claimed to be the biological father of one of her daughters and requested to see her.

Once she was satisfied with the documents and identification in front of her Gwyneth happily waved Josh inside. Stepping aside to allow him through the entryway.

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