Prologue: The Life We Know

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To those of you who read a very old story of mine that came out when a particular story was still active. It shared the same protagonist as this one but this was an alternate universe version.

Instead of being siblings they're... well... Light Spoilers.

I pulled it because it wasn't really popular at the time and I had (still do) a bunch of unfinished projects. But now it's back. I'm always writing short ideas for it so I genuinely do enjoy this one and so do a lot of other people I still share it with. Anyways. Enough rambling from me...


-January 30th, 2007. Tuesday. 4:08 P.M.-

Finally! Sweet, sweet freedom from school!

...But only for today!

Seriously, if I can't start a fight in school against the obvious bullies who keep bullying me and my few friends I'm just going to murder them. Okay. Maybe not seriously. But I'll at least make them wish they were dead.

With a huff I climb the steps into the bus. Turning left and walking towards the far back. The space where you go to avoid people because fuck people. And fuck anyone who says a seven year old can't swear. After the fucking bullshit all these motherfuckers and other motherfuckers have put me through in my time on this piece of shit planet, I've at least earned my fucking right to say the fucking fuckity word fuck.

Fucking assholes... 

Sitting myself on the seat on the right side of the bus. Near the window. To clarify, I'm not avoiding everyone on this bus. Just the majority of them. I can see two of my eight friends walking onto the bus as well. Spotting me and walking to the back to join me. Sam and Carol. Sam is my best friend since Kindergarten. Carol I met after school maybe six months ago.

Hunter skipped school, Hollie is out sick, Adrian went on vacation with his family, Cory is visiting his dying cousin in his last moments, Cyrus I honestly have no clue what he's been up to and Caitlyn moved away. Caitlyn used to be my best friend. We practically grew up together. And now she's gone. Then Sam and I grew close. It started over music, actually. 

Speaking of which, Carol is fangirling over a band right now. I think it's Paramore but Sam and I end up tuning her out to focus on our class and music assignment, also figuring out a time we can hang out.

A part of me does feel a bit bad for Carol but all she ever does is fangirl. I really only started talking to her because I saw her getting picked on all the time and wanted to make sure she was okay and safe coming to school and going home. 

Once we reach our bus stop Sam and I go our separate ways. She can handle herself... and her house is right in front of the bus stop, lucky bitch. I decide to walk Carol home to make up for ignoring her the whole bus ride.

It's a good thing I did too...

Samson and Jeff appear seemingly out of nowhere as Carol continues to chew my ear off about bands. And I spaced out to a song I was making up in my head. Which means I'm doing a shit job at making things up to her but that's neither here nor there.

"Aww, what a baby listening to a girl sing her baby songs, wahh wahh." Jeff mockingly cries. Twisting his fists in front of his eyes. Glaring from behind poor Carol who looks like she might actually cry now, unclipping my slingbag from my back. Rolling my shoulders to try and loosen up a little because I know full well where this is going to go.

"Back off, assholes." Speaking up with an annoyed mumble as I step towards and between them and Carol. Putting her behind me. They're taller than me, almost everyone is. I don't know why and I don't care to know. To me, everything is an advantage until you let it become a weakness.

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