Chapter 6: ...As I Enter The Shadows

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-February 5th, 2007. Monday. 4:08 P.M. 4 Days Later-

Try as I might, it's taking everything I have to not groan at the sky covered in the heavy overcast of a Connecticut winter and roll my eyes at the sight of that damn red car. Waiting outside the school in one of the parent pickup spots. He did this Friday too. Mom told me before I left that morning he would drive me in and pick me up. No more taking the bus.

Which is dumb. I liked sitting in the back of the bus with Sam, Hollie, Cyrus and the others. But she heavily insisted I try to hang out with Josh more. I still want him to get the fuck out of my house.

But I'll do whatever makes Mom happy...

"Haymeyers punch master, best friend-a-rooni what is going on with you?" Coming up from behind and resting a hand on my right shoulder as she steps in front of me. Sam giving me a worried look. We always rode the bus together. It was our thing since Kindergarten.

I haven't breathed a word to her about it. And I can't explain why really without her figuring out things. Sam's my best friend for a reason. She's not an idiot. Forcing a tiny smile at her but unable to stop the sigh from escaping me. "The Haymaker, Haymeyers joke is starting to lose its touch, Greene." Hey, she called me by my last name so it's fair game...

Sam just pouts and slumps her shoulders, her backpack strap hanging off her left shoulder. "Don't barrel roll the question, Amy. You've been acting weird since last Thursday. And now you're not riding the bus. Again."

All I can think to do at first is sigh and look away. Maybe if I pretend not to exist, this will all go away... "My Mom found someone to drive me to and from school." Shrugging my shoulders. The best way to lie is to blend it with a little bit of truth. It's not a lie though. Just not the whole truth.

Ugh. My life was simpler when I got beat up.

"Cool." Sam straightens her shoulders. Easily standing taller than me. "We can head home together." In a 'I'm not taking No for an answer' tone.

Damnit, why can't I just tell her what's going on? Why all the stupid secrecy? "Sam, it's just me that's supposed to get these rides, an extra kid is an additional fee." Thinking on my feet.

Normally that's enough to convince one of the others to back off. "My Mom and Dad will cover it, I'll make sure." Turning around to walk aimlessly toward the pickup area. Stubborn Sam is back at it again.

"No, Sam. Stop." Lying and giving half truths obviously aren't working. The only way to get her to stop is going to have to be honesty...

Grabbing her shoulder, she huffs and turns to face me. Crossing her arms. Silently demanding an answer. "...I promised not to tell anyone what was going on and you know me and promises. So hear me out." Rather than give me a verbal answer, she waves her hand in impatient circles. Signaling me to get on with it.

"One day, hopefully soon I'll tell you. I don't know when but I will tell you. I promise. You're my best friend, Sam Greene. Of all people to share my stupid life story with, I want it to be you."

Sam visibly lightens up. Smiling a little before slapping my shoulder. Managing a laugh out of me as I return the gesture to her shoulder. Which results in us playfully shoving each other on the cement walkway between the school and the sidewalk, laughing at how dumb we are.

"Bullying your friends now, Meyers? Do you want disciplinary action against you?" Mr. Barnes speaks in a low, warning tone, glancing at the two of us as he walks by. Obviously not caring that much. But it still ruins the moment enough that we stop. Standing side by side, watching him walk away.

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