Chapter 4: I Can't Afford To Care

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-February 1st 2007. Thursday. 2:48 P.M-

While it's been a pretty weird day I can be thankful Carol's mom came and picked her up from school early. Probably to keep the two of us separated as much as possible. I like Carol, I guess. She's annoying but she's not a shit person.

That's not the weird part though.

Maybe ten minutes ago I was pulled from Mrs. Benton's class and taken to the office. No warning. No explanation. I literally did nothing except play with my pencil while actively listening in class. I even made sure to stare directly in Mrs. Benton's eyes this time.

While she gave me the "you're a freaky kid and I hate you" look, it doesn't warrant a visit to the office.

Disrupting my thoughts is the office door opening.

"...Oh God, please not you..." groaning and getting up from my chair to scoot four chairs over, away from him and the door. 

Josh stands in the doorway, blinking several times while his hand lingers on the door knob. I'm hoping some of the people in this office assume he's a stranger danger and intervene. But they hate me too so even if they did I doubt they'd do anything to help.

Which is a fucked up problem for another (probably never) time.

"Your Mom said it was okay to come get you and take you somewhere. Feeling peckish?" He smiles, tucking his free hand in his khakis's pocket.

Immediately I open my mouth to tell him to fuck off. My stomach however beats me to it by audibly but softly growling. Like a quietly murmured "...please." For skipping breakfast and barely eating dinner last night. Which cues Josh to smile more and gently chuckle. "Come on, Amy." Pulling his hand from his pocket to wave me on. Holding the door open wider.

With a huff I grab my slingbag, clip it on to rest over my back and hurry for the door. Walking past him without even looking. The sooner I get this over with, the better. He catches up easily enough. Getting in front of me in time to open the door into the foyer of the school and hold it open. "Mi'lady..." Swinging his arm below his stomach and slightly bowing his back.

"You're trying too hard." Unable to help the grumble as I walk past him again without sparing a glance his way. Josh doesn't say anything in response. Quietly walking up behind me but this time I'm close enough to the door to push it open myself. The walk towards and through the parking lot was easy enough. No other words are exchanged but I catch him looking at me a lot from the corner of my eye as he walks beside me on my left.

"My car's this one here." He gestures to the shiny red one I saw yesterday. Walking over to open the backseat door for me. Jokes on him, I walk around to the other side, open the door and help myself in while he watches on.

Really sticking it to him, Meyers.

Okay, I'm being petty. I'll admit that. But I thought I made it clear I didn't want him here. Or anywhere near me. If he can't tell me why he's suddenly hanging around he can just fuck right off. I've worked with Syndicate and... other people like them to know better than trust someone like him.

Sitting behind the driver seat, when the door closes it's enough to jar me out of my thoughts. Unclipping my bag and tossing it on the other side of the seat before slumping lazily in my seat as the car rumbles to life. Not  buckling my seat belt just because I don't care too. Living a rebellious life, I know...

Confusion slowly settles in when I realize he's not driving me home. That's not confusing, he said he wanted to take me somewhere. He also suggested food. But he hasn't asked me where things are. I can go a long time without eating, if I don't get food then sure, I'd be a bit annoyed but whatever. However if he only just got here then how does he know where anything is and if I even like it? Did Mom say anything? That's the only way this makes sense.

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