Chapter 3 - Bad first encounter.

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Dani Pov:

'DANI GET UP YOU'VE GOT SCHOOL' is screamed from the bottom of the stairs just like every morning. I drag my self out of bed , put on some black ripped jeans , white vest and a jumper , I can't be bothered to dress up today I'm in a bad mood , don't ask me why I'm a teenage I'm blaming mother nature and hormones! I go downstairs grab and apple and leave the house not saying hi to anyone. I decide to walk to school as I don't want to be stuck on a bus full of people I hate and I'm in a bad mood.

The walk to school takes around 30 minutes it gives me time to think and things , and also revise for my English literature exam today , Yawn. I get to school to spot Emily and her crew of minions who follow her like her second shadow. I put my head down and read my book. 'STOP' She says , I try to go around her but her little minions are blocking anyway to get into school. 'What do you want Emily , I'm trying to get past'. 'I can see that and that's why I don't want you in my school or in any of my classes your a worthless piece of trash that the world could do better with without you , now i suggest you go the long way round and stay out of my way"' ' Fuck you ' I say , just as the words escape my lips , I'm hit in the face by one of her little minions , 'Don't be so rude to Emily Gosh' , I chuckle to my self and walk of wiping away some blood from my lips and head the long way round to class. I hear the first bell as I Enter the back door I head down the corridor and enter the class. 'Dani , why are you late ' Ms Jones says , I look up to see Emily and say ' There was a troll at the front door so I had to go round the long way sorry'. ' Great excuse , Dani but you've still got detention at lunch' She hands me a detention slip and I walk to my desk at the back passing Emily's death stare. I sit down and a note is passed to me ' Your Dead WORTHLESS' I screw it up and chuck it in my bag. 'The exam will now begin you have two hours begin'

Diannas Pov:

I'm sat in the living room with Demi , Dallas and Eddie , Maddie has to go to school so she cant be here. 'Ok I think I'm ready to ring them' I type the number in and put it on loud speaker. *RING RING* 'Hello North Shore Valley Foster home , Ms smith speaking ' Hi my names is Dianna De La Garza , I'm ringing to see if it possible to come in a see my Daughter ' Is your daughter Dani Lovato ? ' Yes that's her , is everything okay with her , how is she , is she doing well in school ? 'Mom calm down ' Demi said ' Ms De La Garza , Everything is okay with Elena's she currently at school do you want me to set up a meeting for today after school?  Yes that will be amazing thank you so much 'Ok the meeting set up for 4:00 this evening' Ok thank you so much is it okay if i bring Dani's sisters with me and my Husband Eddie ' No problems at all Dianna we look forward in seeing you this evening bye' Bye. I hang up the phone and begin to cry , 'I'm finally going to be able to see my baby girl' Eddie gives me hug and says ' how about we got get some lunch then pick up Maddie from school ''Sounds good' 'I need to get ready' Demi says , 'Ok be down here for 2.30' . Will do she says as she heads upstairs with Dallas.

Dani Pov:

'Pens Down Class ' Ms Jones says. Everyone gets up ready to leave I join them. 'Um Dani don't you have somewhere to be ?' I respond 'Yes I was planning on getting lunch what about you ? A Few people laugh ' You've got detention remember sit ' I do as she she says and sit. 'Have fun in detention worthless ' Emily whispered. I sat down waiting for time to drag on and on. I started tapping my pen on the desk , ' Dani stop taping your pen' Ms Jones said ' What would you like me to do then , sit here bored out of mind?' I responded. 'Yes that's exactly what you should do , you should of thought about that before being late!' she shouted. I just sat there still annoyed at the fact she shouted at me , I can't tell her about Emily and the others.  I started doodling in the back of my book , 20 minutes to go , my stomach growled and Ms Jones looked up , ' Dani you can go get some food if you want I should'nt of kept you all of lunch'. 'Its okay I'm not hungry' I lied , 'You sure ?' She didn't look convinced at all , ' Yeah I'm fine' I smiled and went back to doodling in my book. The bell finally rings , I get up and leave. I'm making my way to the sports block , I always pretend I'm ill when I have sports just so i don't have to do it. 'Dani go get changed were doing dodge ball and i need all hands on deck for a nice friendly game'. I try not to laugh she wants a 'friendly game' considering one the most horrible girls on earth is in her class , 'Urm Mrs I'm not feeling too well is it okay if i sit our out or take score for the game please ' I ask her trying to look as ill as i can. She sighs ' You can take score Dani but this is the last time otherwise I'm going to have to call home , okay?'. 'Yeah no problem' I head off to the changing room walking past Emily and her little crew of minions , I head to the corner of the changing room and get changed as quickly as possible so none sees my scars , I grab a jumper and go out the door past Emily and her group , She gives me the dirtiest look as i walk past and the word i hear as i go through the door is worthless , that word drives me insane , if you could get rid of any word in the world that would be mine. ' Dani you cant wear that jumper in here take it off

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