Chapter 7 - Hospital and Trampoline rooms.

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Demi's Pov:

I wake up to my phone buzzing , I look and see one message from Mom : Hey hun , We arrived at our hotel , got loads of rehearsal to do today but I'll ring you when I'm free look after the girls for me Love mom xxx , I smile at my phone and get up , Its 7.30am , I don't think any of the girls will be up. I put some sweats on and a top , I head downstairs and put the ID channel on , I head into the kitchen and make some granola with yogurt and some dried fruit , I sit on the sofa and watch this very tense programme on the ID channel. About twenty minutes pass and we finally find out who murdered the gardener , I hear someone come downstairs its Dani she looks really pale 'Hey hun how you felling?' , 'I'm fine' She says heading into the kitchen , I watch her in the kitchen getting a drink , and go back to watching tv. 'Demi , I don't feel good' , I hear Dani say I turn around and see her collapse on the floor hitting her head on the side . I run over to her , I see broken glass all on the floor and in her hand and a big open cut on the side of her head , 'Hey Dani can you hear me ? Dani ?' I keep saying to her but there's no response , 'MADDIE GET UP I NEED YOU' I scream upstairs , I ring 911 , 'Hello 911 whats your emergence ?' , 'Hey my little sister just fainted shes hit her head and there's loads of blood , I don't know what to do ?' , 'Ok calm down ' the operator says 'You need to check if shes breathing do you know how to do that ' , 'Yes ' , I check Dani's pulse , 'It's really faint but there's a pulse' I Say holding Danis Hand , 'Ok you need to put pressure on her wound and keep applying it until the paramedics come' 'Ok thank you '. I hang up and Maddie comes downstairs ' OMG what happened' she says running over to me and Dani , 'She fainted and hit her head , can you go get the gates open for the ambulance ? ' , 'Yeah sure'. Im sitting next to Dani's uncousiness body , 'Come on Dani wake up please for me '. I hear the sirens of the ambulance in the distance , 'The ambulance is here , your going to be okay' I say to Dani

Two paramedics come in and see to Dani , 'Excuse me miss you need to move' , Maddie grabs my hand and pulls me away 'Come on Demi she'll be fine' Maddie says to me giving me a hug , the paramedics get Dani on a board with a bandage on her head , 'Were going to St.Joseph hospital , one of you can come in the ambulance with her' One of the paramedics say , 'Demi go , I'll ring Dallas and get her to take me' Maddie says , I go with the paramedics , I sit next to Dani , and grab her hand 'Every thinks going to be fine , stay strong Dani' We arrive at the hospital and I follow the paramedics are they take Dani to a room 'Im sorry mam' you have to wait here' , I sit outside the room and begin to cry , I see Dallas and Maddie arrive and Dallas runs over to me 'Hey its okay come here' She says giving me a massive hug , and I begin to break down in tears. After a 15 minutes one of the doctors come to speak to us , 'Hi I'm Dr.Kingston , Dani is fine she has got a concussion and had to have stitches in her hand and head , she is still asleep but she should wake up soon , you can go see her' , Me , Dal and Mads head into Dani's room she's got a bandage hand and a bandage on her head, 'Hey Dan , I don't know if you can hear us or not but please wake up soon' I say to her grabbing her hand and sitting next to her bed. 2 hours pass and I fell Dani hand move , 'Hey Dan , come on baby open your eyes' , Dani opens her eyes squinting to the bright light. 'Hey' she says trying to get up , 'Hey stay there I'll get the doctor'. I leave the room and tell the receptionist that Dani's woke up. I head back to Dani's room and Dr.Kingston arrives , and does some test on Dani. 'Everything seems to be okay , I've prescribed some painkillers for her hand , she should be quite sleepy due to the drip we've had her on , so if she sleeps loads that should be why , it should only last 24 hours though'. , 'Okay thank you so much'. I help Dani get up , Maddie and Dal have headed back to the house to clean up the broken glass'. I put my arm round Dani , helping her walk , we get to the front of the hospital and there loads of paparazzi , 'Guys can you move my sisters not well' I scream at them , they eventually move and we can get to my car , I go round to Dani side and open the door for her 'Thanks' she says.

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