Chapter 8 - Day out with Maddie.

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Dani's Pov:

I've just finished having a shower , I put some skinny jeans on and a baggy top. I head downstairs and sit next to Maddie .'Drew this is Dani , Dani this is Drew' Maddies says , Drew smiles at me 'Hey I'm Drew' , 'Hey' I say 'Were going to head to Santa Monica if you want to come?' Maddie says , 'Um I don't really want to go out today' I say. 'Well your coming anyways haha , Demi's got some important meeting later'. I head upstairs and call the number the boy gave me earlier. 'Hey Jack its Dani , Im heading to Santa Monica in about 20 minutes  if you want to meet up' , 'Yeah sounds good text me when you leave and I'll head there' , 'Ok sounds good see you soon' , Yeah bye'. I put the phone down and look at the mirror , I need to change wearing jeans and a t shirt isnt going to give a good first impressions. I go in my wardrobe and get a black dress with a lace bottom , and some black dr martins , I get a leather jacket but put it in my bag. I head back downstairs , 'We going then?' , Maddie and Drew get up , 'Bye demi' Me and Maddie both shout as we head out. Theres an uber waiting to take us. The drive takes around 30 minutes , We finally get there and theres a group of teenagers waiting at the front of the pier , 'Um Maddies there's  quiet a few people there ' I Say nervously , Maddie grabs my hand as we head out the uber 'I'll introduce you to everyone don't worry' , We walk over to the group of hand in hand, 'Hey guys this is my sister Dani' , I smile awkwardly ' This is Collins , Sam , Lucy , Jake , Mark , Brandon , Jessie and Lea' Maddie says pointing at everyone ''Hi' I say , As we all head into the pier , I text Jack telling him im here , he says he's at the front entrance , I turn around and see him standing there with his dirty blonde hair blowing in the wind , 'Hey Mads , Im just got to meet my friend can I meet up with you later?' , 'Yeah sure , omg look how hot the guys is' Maddie says pointing at Jack , I laugh , 'Whats so funny?' ,'Thats Jack I'll tell him you said hi' , I walk away as maddie stands there shocked' . I go up behind him and cover his eyes 'Guess who?' , 'Is it a cute girl named Dani ' He says turning around smiling , I smile back at him , 'Come on lets explore this pier then'

He says grabbing my hand , we walk around to the arcade and head in , we play the games for around 30 minutes , My phone starts buzzing its Maddie , 'Hello' , 'Hey were going to go get something to eat if you and jack want to come' , 'Yeah sounds good we'll meet you at the entrance in about 5 minutes'. 'My sister and her friends are going to get something to eat , if you want to come' , I say to Jack 'Sounds great lets go' , He grabs my hand and we head to the entrance. 'Hey Mads' I say and she turns around 'Heya , did you have fun ?' 'Yeah we just went to the arcade for a bit , where we going to eat?' , I ask Mads. 'Nandos' She replies as we all head there Jack talking to the boys probs about football or something. We get to nandos and Mads orders a table for 11 as we head to the table , I sit next to Jack , and Mads the other side of me. 'Hello , may I take your drinks order ' , The waitress asks; We all order our drinks a mix of diet cokes , lemonades and a water. 'So Dani what school you planning on going to?'  Lea asks , 'Um I'm not sure yet , I would probably go to the same school as Mads' I say 'Yeah sounds good , we all go there , so you'll have a few familiar faces' Lea says smiling. 'You okay? I ask Jack while the others talk among themselves , 'Yeah Im fine , how comes you don't go to school?' He asks with his blue eyes staring back at me , 'Its a kinda long story but I will explain it to you soon promise' I say back to him. The same waitress comes back and we order our food , after a funny meal , because Brandon got a really spicy chicken wing and started crying , we all head out of Nandos. 'Want to go to the beach for a walk?' Jack asks me , 'Yeah sounds great , let me go say bye to Mads and her friends'. I walk over to Mads 'Hey , me and Jack are going for a walk along the beach for a bit' , 'Aww you two are so cute , I'll text you when Im heading back home' ,'Ok sounds great , bye guys' I wave to them and head of with Jack.

We walk along the beach together 'So why don't you go to school?' He asks me ,'Well I recently got adopted by my birth mom and I've just moved out here so I haven't sorted out school and things yet' I say looking down 'Hey I'm sorry i didn't know that , I'm sure that everything will go okay with school , I always be here for you' , He says holding my hand 'I really like you Dani , I know we've only known each other for less than 24 hours but I've never felt like this before'  He says holding both my hands and staring at me , 'I like you too' I Say back smiling , We sit down on the beach and he draws me into his chests as we watch the sun go down , 'Its a bit cold isn't it ' I say shivering 'Here have my jumper' He says handing me his grey jumper , which is too big for me. 'Thanks' I say to him. My phone starts buzzing 'Hello' , 'Hey Dani We've got head back now , its past our curfew I totally forgot Demis going to go mad' , 'Hey calm down , I'll meet you at the entrance in 5 minutes order the uber','Okay bye'. I hang up the phone ,'Hey I've got to go , apparently I have a curfew , Heres your jumper' I go to take it off 'Hey keep it , I can have it back next time I see you, now lets go meet Maddie' He says putting his arm around my shoulder. We get to the entrance and Mads waiting for me , 'Bye Jack' I say to him 'Later Dani' he says smirking. 'Heya wheres the uber?' I ask Mads 'It said its five minutes away , Demi going to be mad we have to be back by 9.30 on Saturdays' , The taxis pulls up and we had back,

After a 30 minute drive back and it being 10.15 , you can officially say me and mads are grounded. Mads opens the door and all the lights are off 'Maybe shes gone to bed' I whisperer to Mads , 'I don't know' Mads whispers back. Suddenly the living room lights turn on and Demi's sitting there with her arms crossed glaring at us,'What time do you call this? Demi says , 'Its 10.20 pm' I say back to Demi , 'Enough with the sarcasm you , when i set a time to be back you should be back ' Demi says angrily , 'It was my fault Dem , Don't shout at Mads' I say , 'I'll talk to you guys in this morning I'm going to bed' Demi say getting of the sofa and heading upstairs. 'Sorry about the Mads ' I say to Maddie , 'Its fine I'm going to head to bed night' , 'Night' I say as she walks upstairs. I sit down and text Jack *Hey just got back to mine , Demi's mad cause we were 45 minutes late :/ thanks for today it was really nice* I send it smiling at my phone.I put the tv on and start to watch Pretty Little Liars , My phone buzzes again its a text from Jack *Hiya today's was really great , we have to meet up soon :) * , I read the message and smile. I watch the episode of pll and head to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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