Introducing me

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But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, slightly amusing
Introducing me


Step two in to taking back control of your life; Resent. Resent. Resent.

It's now Sunday in the morning. After my talk with Hannah we went out to eat at Lava's Lunch In. This is where we meet up with Dad and Harry. Once I found out that they were there I left as soon as possible. My father called me later that night to inform me that Harry would be taking me out for brunch the next day. Not my choice.

Incoming Imessage:

Father; Harry is here, He's coming up.

I groan loudly.

Harry knocks on the door twice. I take my sweet time to open the door. When I finally do open it, Harry stands there in a stripped shirt and black pants. His tattoos on full display. He's holding flowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. When he looks at my outfit he frowns slightly.

"You're... ready?"His accent is thick and beautiful.

"No." I drag out. "I'm not going. I never agreed to this bullshit." I smirk evilly. Harry frowns again.

Harry walks in without being invited. He sets the flowers and strawberries on the dinning room table. He pulls out a chair and takes a seat.

I look at him oddly, raising an eyebrow.

"We can just stay here if that makes you more comfortable. I just really wanna get to know ya. The real you. And to introduce myself."

I can hear Hannah's voice in the back of my head.

"Fall in love with him or stay miserable."

Two things I didn't want to do.

"Why the hell would you need to know the real me? You stalked me all my life." I sass.

Harry chuckles sightly, "Yes well, I never spoke to you in person. And plus it was my job." He pushes his curly lock out of his face.

We stare at each other for what seems like eternity.

"Ask me anything." He murmurs.

Will you call off the wedding?

"Are you and Zayn really friends?" He seems sorta shocked and I'm not really sure why.

"Yeah, of course we are." He smiles genuinely. "We meet in college."

"But he said you went to Harvard. Zayn didn't go to Harvard." Is he seriously lying to me? I knew Zayn like the back of my hand.

"No, Zayn went to Weston like you. I went to Weston for two years than transferred over to Harvard. We knew each other then and kept contact."


"I wouldn't lie to you Anastasia. I know you've been lied to a lot. But I would never. I love you."


I don't even know what to say. Do I say Thank you? Or cool? But instead I say,

"You don't know what Love is."

He looks at me for a moment, contemplating my words. The warmth that was radiating off of him turned stone cold. His face hardens and his whole body tenses. The tension is so thick I can practically choke on it.

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