New Rules

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I've got new rules, I count 'em
I've got new rules, I count 'em
I've gotta tell them to myself
I've got new rules, I count 'em
I've gotta tell them to myself

I keep pushin' forwards
But he keeps pullin' me backwards
(Nowhere to turn, no way)
(Nowhere to turn, no)
Now I'm standing back from it
I finally see the pattern
(I never learn, I never learn)
But my love, he doesn't loves me
So I tell myself, I tell myself


Savannah and Stormi. Stormi and Savannah... Sisters. Savannah and Stormi Malik. How could anyone not tell me? Well maybe because Juliette is the only one who knew that Zayn is the father to Stormi. But it doesn't make sense... Does Zayn know that Stormi is his?

Of course there's only one way to find out. Show up randomly at his house in the middle of the night without your husband knowing. Well... Husband in like a day or so. Before I'm able to knock on the door it swings open, showing a shirt less Zayn... Holding a baby.

"Anastasia?" he asks cradling the baby closer. His eyes scan over my body. Since it's In the middle of the night, I'm wearing a huge over sized sweater and glittery black boots. Its the easiest thing I can slip on and off. I keep my hair straight because... why not?

"You didn't tell me Stormi is your daughter." I automatically snap. He looks taken aback for a minute. His cheeks turn pink and eyes widen into saucers. He opens his mouth then closes it.

"You didn't tell me Savannah is mine." he retorts. 

Damn, he got me there. Zayn turns away walking back into his all white apartment. He walks into his room, Laying the baby down In an all white crib set up in his room. It's Stormi of course, what other baby? 

"For a man who isn't really fond of having his own kids, you sure like putting your seed in every girl." Zayn spins around, glaring at me.

Oh shit... did I really just say that?

"That was fucking low, Anna." he croaks.

"Who else are you going to get pregnant? Hannah?" I spit, his gaze journeys over my body.

Did I really just say that? What the Hell is wrong with me?

"You're a bitch Anna." I swallow hard. This is not going as planned. As a matter of fact I didn't even have a plan.

"You think you can walk all over everyone but that's not true." The baby makes a small noise. Zayn looks over the crib to make sure Stormi is all good. When she is all good he turns back to me.

"You think because you're about to own a school and you're sucking off your rich soon-to-be husband you can control any and everyone." He's right I can control anyone. At the snap of my finger I'll have someone fired. I can control everyone's life... everyone but my own.

But the real question is...When did he even fuck Juliette?

"When did you fuck Juliette. I'm supposed to be your fuck buddy." I say pointing to myself. This has gotten out of hand. Just a few weeks ago we fucked.

"Stop making this about you, Anna." He places his phone on the dresser. Then puts on a black t-shirt. "I can fuck whoever when ever I want." I start to pull at my hair.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask. "You promised that it would only be me you're fucking."

"Well, I want someone who will actually suck my dick when I want. You are too pussy to do it." Oh hell fucking no, he did not just say that.

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