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Oops, my baby, you woke up in my bed
Oops, we broke up, we're better off as friends
Now I accidentally need you, I don't know what to do
Oops, baby, I love you


"Positive." I look up at Hannah. "The test is fucking positive."

This can not be happening.

"Well... it is Harry's... right?" Hannah asks.

"Is everything okay in there?" Juliette asks from outside her bathroom door. I can hear Stormi making baby noises.

"Yeah. We're good." I lied.

"I fucked Zayn too." I whisper to Hannah once I felt like Juliette was gone.

I'm pregnant again...

"What the hell am I supposed to do? Abort it?"

She gives me a look. The look that said "Yes you stupid idiot."

"Oh gosh," I start to cry. There's no way I can abort a baby. People at the school already hate me. What would they think if they found out I aborted a baby? I'm all for children and I've always wanted a baby, even though I already have one but I knew it's what I have to do, Because if people I found I got pregnant by a man that isn't my husband who knows what will happen.

But maybe it is Harry's. Then I remembered that Zayn didn't use his blue condom the night we fucked.

My stomach contracts as I bend over the toilet again.

"It's a safe thing to do. Just in case." Hannah rubs my back.

But the fact that I don't know if this baby is Harry's means a shit load of trouble.

"Schedule an appointment." I whisper to Hannah as I wipe my mouth with toilet paper. "This has to be done today." I stand up flushing the toilet.

My phone begins to buzz in my pocket.
Incoming IMessage;

Harry; I'm guessing you butt dialed me on accident... So you're pregnant? And you don't know if it's my baby?

My heart clenches as I scroll through my recent calls. I see Harry's name and the call time is thirty minutes.

My phone buzzes once more.

Incoming IMessage:

Harry: You're in for it Anastasia. And you better not abort that baby.

The End

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