Sweet Creature

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Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home

I arrive at Anastasia's penthouse with five minutes to spare. I rang her doorbell and heard Savvy's little voice.

"Mommy. He's here! He's here!" Savannahs voice is raspy yet cute. And she has a British accent. Which is weird. I saw the door knob twist and turn.

"Don't you dare touch that door." Anastasia snaps. She's always snapping. I love how Anastasia and Savannah are so different. While Savannah is actually tolerable Anastasia isn't. But that's what I fucking love about her. She's always fighting back, no matter how hard it became. It seriously turned me on. She never backed out of a fight. She was so independent and sexy. Anastasia also has quite the bad mouth on her, but that's nothing I couldn't fix.

Anastasia opens up the door and steps out with Savvy in front of her. She doesn't greet me she just looks.

"Hey baby girl." I get down to Savannah's level and kiss her cheeks. Savannah is dressed beautifully, in a high waisted denim-ish skirt. And a half shirt. I think the Americans call them "cropped tops." But only an inch of her belly skin was showing. She wore a huge bow on the side of her head. Savannah looks just like her mother.


Anastasia also wore a white crop top. But she had green jeans on and they are ripped at the knees. Her hair in space buns and she has in hooped earrings. Light make up painted her face but she still manage to look beautiful.

"I brought you something."

Savannah's brown eyes sparkle in the hot LA sunlight. I pull the pink pandora necklace out of my pocket.

"It's so pretty. What does it say?" She's asks with a cute smile.

"It says 'Savannah.'" She gasps cutely.

"That's my name. Can I please put it on?"

I chuckle at her cuteness. "Of course you can." She turns around and I place the necklace on her.

It shines so beautifully as she gush's to Anastasia.

Anastasia smiles nicely. "It's really nice baby." I'm shocked. I for sure thought she was going to say to give it back or even snatch it away from me.

"Did you say thank you to Harry?" She asks while locking the door. Maybe it was just me but Anastasia doesn't sound like herself. She sounds... weak and broken.

Savvy turns to me a smile wide on her face. She lunges at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you so much." She blushes a little. I hug her back before pulling away.

I stood back up smiling at Anastasia.

"Don't think for one second I forgot about my main girl." I push her limits by kissing her softly on the lips. Just a soft quick peck. Nothing more.

She freezes once she feels my lips on hers. I had closed my eyes just slightly. And when I open them again she's in shock.

I notice that she has lifted her hand to slap me. But slowly puts her arm back down because Savannah was watching every single little thing.

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