Chapter 1, The Beginning

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I lived in New York City my whole life until my dad got a new job in Blessings, Delaware. The move was hard for me because when I was little it took me a while to make friends, I was very shy. It was even worse moving to a new school at the beginning of the senior year.  Unfortunately, my little brother, Cooper, was starting second grade and was very likable. 

When we arrived at our new house, it seemed smaller than our condominium back home. Cooper seemed excited to have a backyard and me on the other hand I didn't care too much about the backyard.  My room must have been a little girl's room before because there were pink wallpaper and a sparkly ceiling. Then my dad comes in and said: "Honey do you like your room?" "Dad are you serious, it's pink!", I said. He smirked and said, "Are you moving out after high school or at less going to college, sweetheart?"  "Well, yea but..." I said getting cut off. "I will think about it." He said and walked out. 

I heard the doorbell ring and dad calling "Luna, come down here!" I run downstairs holding a book and a guy about my age and his mother was standing at the door. "Come say hi to our new neighbors," dad said. "Hi, I'm Luna", I said shyly. "Hi, I'm Cooper!" yelled my little brother. "Hello I'm Ivy Ross and this is my son Parker," Ivy said. "I made you guys some cookies. Is your wife home, Tyler?" Ivy asked my dad. "Ummm... no sorry, she died a couple years ago." dad said. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Ivy said. "Luna?" asked Parker. " You a senior at Blessings High?" "Yeah, I start tomorrow," I answered shyly. "Well hope to see you around, talk to you later bookworm" Parker said as he left. 

It's the first day of school and I was walking to first-hour algebra and I ran into Parker. "Hey, bookworm!" he said. "Hi," I said shyly. Then as I walked away I heard "Is that the new girl, wow, how do you know her?" "Well," Parker said to his friends, "She is my neighbor and one thing I know about her is she seems different than the other girls." Then I was out of ear straight to hear anymore. The worst part about a new school is getting lost. When I finally found my class, I was so embarrassed to walk into there. My teacher said, " Thank you for joining us, Luna," "Ummm... I'm sorry I got lost." "That's ok, honey, I'm Mrs. Hayes, would you like to tell us a little about yourself?"  Mrs. Hayes asked. "I..... I guess I could, Ummm... I'm from New York City and I'm good at drawing." Then Mrs. Hayes said, "Well thank you, Luna, You can sit in that back seat behind Parker." I sat down behind Parker and he said: "Hi, bookworm." Do you even know my name?" I ask him. "Sure I do it's... Lana," He said. " No, It's not it's Luna," I said. "I knew that," He said. "Sure you did," rolling my eyes.  "I'm serious, I know your name, but I like calling your bookworm," Parker said. "Hey what's your next class?" "Ummm... English, I think."  I said. "Can I walk you, so you don't get lost again," He said while laughing. "Hey, it is not funny!" I said flirty. 

 We walk out of the class and Autumn Davis was waiting for Parker. Autumn is the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school.  "Hey babe, wait who is she?" Autumn asked. "This is Lana" Parker answered. "It is Luna," I said. "I don't care if your name is Lana or Luna. What are doing with my boyfriend?" Autumn said rudely. "I was walking her to English, so she doesn't get lost", said Parker. "What's the coincidence she has the first two classes as you and I don't have any," Autumn remarked.  "We have.... never mind," I said. "No, what did Luna or whatever want to say," Autumn yelled back. "She was going to say nothing and we are going to be late for class, bye Autumn," Parker said and we walked to class. "Sorry about that, she gets jealous easily," Parker said. "It's fine, it's not the first mean girl who has crossed my path, no offense," I said. "It's fine, she is like that to everyone," He said. 

"Mr. Harris, this is Luna Evans," Parker said introducing me. "Yay, you got my name right," I said laughing. "Hey, Luna you can sit anywhere you would like," said Mr. Harris sounding not very energetic. I sat next to Parker and a few girls. "Hi, I'm Dakota Lee," said one of the girls that I was sitting by. "Hi, I'm Luna Evans," I said, "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, you're lucky," Dakota said. "How?" I asked. "Because Parker Ross talks to you," she answered. "How is that lucky, he is just my neighbor," I said. "That's true but he usually doesn't talk to people like us," she added. "What do you mean people like us?" I asked. "Nerds," she whispered. "And he's the quarterback." "What he's the quarterback?" I whispered. "He never told me." "Then he probably likes you then," She whispered back. "No, I think he is only talking to me because I'm new and have no friends," I said. "That might be but I don't know, hey, you want to be my friend?" she asked. "I would love to," I said non-shyly, which was weird because it takes me forever to make friends. Maybe a new school, and new me. "We will be doing a writing project and you will be doing it with a partner," explained Mr. Harris. "Hey, you want to be my partner, Luna?" asked Dakota. "I'm picking the partners, this time," said Mr. Harris. "Ugh," yelled the class. "You will be picking out of a hat," Mr. Harris added.

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