Chapter 9, The Fight

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"Why is that the only thing you can think of right now. Cole just got arrested," I yelled as I let go of his hand. "Isn't that what you want," Parker yelled back. "All he wanted to do was show me a place where my mom loved," I said. "All he wanted to do was to get you alone," "No he didn't," I yelled as I walked to my car and open the door. "That's not what I met," Cole said as I got in the car, slammed the door and drove off.

"Cole," I yelled and tried to run to him but some lady stopped me. "Ma'am, you can't be here." "Cole, I'm sorry. I didn't want this to happen," I yelled as a tear rolled down my cheek.  "Luna," Parker yelled from the parking lot. "Parker, I don't want to talk to you," I yelled back. "Luna Evans," the police officer asked me. "Yes, why," I said. "Please come with me." I followed her into the police headquarters. "Please sit over there," she said pointing and walked into a back room. I sat in a seat across from the secretary's desk. As I sat down she gave me a smile with her old wrinkled white face. "Hi dear. May I help you," she asked. "No, ma'am I was told to seat here," I said. "Alright then," the lady said back.

After a while of seating there, an older man comes out of the back room. He must have been the sheriff. "Luna Evans. Please follow me." I followed him into a small room with a two-way mirror and I could see Cole though it. He was seated in another small room right across of me if we were in the same room he could see me plain as day. He looked really mad. "Ma'am, could you do something for me," the sheriff asked. "I guess," I said.

I walked into the room Cole was in and he gave me a dirty look. The door closed as I sat down. "Hey," I said trying to sound cheerful. "How could you," Cole said. I thought he was going to hurt me or something but he was cuffed to the chair he was sitting in. "Cole, I'm sorry," I said as another tear rolled down my cheek. "It's your fault I'm here," Cole said. "No, It's not," I said. "Then who's fault is it," Cole said giving me a look like he already knows. "I've wanted to tell you since that first day the cops came to my house," I said with a pause because I heard yelling coming from the hallway, but I continued. "It was Parker's idea. I didn't want to go with it but he was right and I didn't have any other options." "Yes, you did. You could have stopped him or didn't say anything at all," Cole said calmly now. "I promise to make it up to you," I said wiping the tears from my face. "I also have to tell you, you are either going to jail for a couple of months away from me and take classes for it or," I began to whisper, "I could talk with them and see if it is alright for us to spend some time together at the lake house as you planned." Cole didn't answer me. Then the sheriff walked back in with a younger police officer that took Cole to a waiting cell. 

"Thank you dear for talking to him," the sheriff said as he sat in the chair that Cole was in. "Yep as long as I can help. So what is going to happen to Cole, now," I asked? "I'm not sure right now, but he does have to go through court first and we will see what happens after," the sheriff explained. "Could he maybe be able to work on his problem with me and we can work on it together," I asked. "I don't know if it is possible because it has never happened before," the sheriff told me. "But it's up to the judge, right," I asked. "Yes. It's all up to the judge," he said. Then the door open and it was the secretary. "Sr, we have a problem at the front desk." "Ok, I will be right there," the sheriff responded. "Thank you again, Luna," he said as he got up and I followed him at the door to the hallway. "You are very welcome," I said with a smile and red eyes from crying so much. 

I walked down the hall to leave and talk to that secretary again. I almost got the front desk and I heard a familiar voice. "Parker," I said walking to the desk. "Luna, your ok," Parker said hugging me. "Let go of me," I said as I stepped back from him. "What's wrong, bookworm," Parker said with a smile trying to make me laugh. "Stop," I said with a straight face and I was doing just fine without laughing or smiling. "Come on. Everything is going to be ok now that they are going to lock up Cole," Parker said. "No it won't," I said. "But that's what you wanted," he said. "No it's not and you know that," I yelled and started to walk out the door but turned around just to say bye to the nice old lady.  

I got in my car and just sat there thinking. Half of me was happy that Parker didn't run after me but the other half was a little upset he didn't. If he loved me he would have followed me or did I make him mad at me. Then my mind went to Cole. If he has to stay in jail for a while I won't be able to know the real him, but maybe if he doesn't stay there he might rape me again. "Why is this so hard. Show me if Parker does love me, universe," I said the empty car and laid my head on the steering wheeling. 

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