Chapter 3, The Question

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I was thinking of so many questions to ask him but there was only one I wanted to know. "This morning when you were talking to your friends you said I was different than other girls. What did you mean?" "I meant exactly that, you are way different than people from here or even New York City. Everyone says that people from New York are stuck up and don't care about little townspeople like me." He said. "I was part of the stuck up kids because everyone had to be part of something and my mom wanted better for me than what she had when she was in school, so I had to be a mean girl and I hated that. Now at this school, I want to be the real me." I said meaningfully.  "Maybe we can be our real selves together," Parker suggested. "I would love that," I said as Parker leaned in for a kiss. As he kissed me, my dad walked in and said. "Excuse me, what do you think you are doing." "Ummm... Do you ever knock," I yelled. "The door was opened and I was just checking on you," My dad hollered back.  "Well, learn to knock please," I said. "Hey it's cool I got to go anyway. I'll see you tomorrow, bookworm," Parker said cutting in. "Ok, bye. You know I need to come up with a nickname for you," I said as Parker walked out the door. "Do we need to talk again, sweetheart," My dad asked sarcastically as he sat on my bed. "No dad, will you get out now, please. He got up and walked out of my room. I went over to the corner side by the window and I could see into Parker's room and he was just sitting there staring at me. I just laughed and started to read my book again. 

It's Friday and I heard there was a party at Parker's after the game and I'm not sure if dad would let me go after last night. I walked downstairs and my dad seemed a little mad but he was yelling at Cooper. "Good morning," I said as I giving dad a look. "Morning, honey," dad said walking over to flip the pancakes.  "Cooper, you ok?" I asked "Yeah I got in trouble for not doing my homework," He said shyly. "Hey, I worked on my homework last night, but I think your teacher would be fine with it with being your second day and all," I told him. "How about we eat our pancakes." "OK," said Cooper happier now. I was eating my pancake and laughing at Cooper because he had maple syrup everywhere until I got a text from Parker "Hey come over I'll give you a ride to school. "Ok, I'll be over soon," I replied.  "Dad, I gotta go," I yelled as I walked out the door.  I was about to knock on his door until I heard yelling, so I stepped back and waited for him to come out. "Why would you have a party when you know your sister doesn't like when there are people here," Parker's mom yelled. "Sorry but I'm the quarterback remember," Parker yelled back sarcastically. "I got to go, Luna is coming soon," Why do you even talk to her, you have a great girlfriend who is the captain of the cheer squad and what does Luna do, huh," His mom yelled back even louder. "Would you stop. Luna is very nice and it seems like I can talk to her more than anyone," Parker said as he opened the door and saw me standing there. "How much did you here?" he asked. "Nothing I just got here," I said. "Ok then that's go before my mom comes out," He said walking to his truck.  I got into the truck and I asked "So..... you have a sister?" "So you did hear something," He said a little madly. "Yeah, I'm sorry," I said. "It's fine. Lily, she is my little sister. She is 5 and has cancer," Parker explained. "Hey, sorry. I understand," I said. "By the way, I like your outfit," He said a little bit later. "Yeah, I like black better than the pink I always were," I said. "It's cute, but don't go too bad girl on me now," He said laughing. "Hey, you want to wear my practice jersey?" "Sure, but what about Autumn, doesn't she wear it?" I asked. "I want you to wear it," He said. "Ok," I said a little uncertain. "It's in my gym bag," He said. I reached back to grab the bag as we pulled into the school parking lot. I get out of the truck and put on the jersey and Parker took my hand and we walked into school. 

We get inside and Parker walked me to my locker and Dakota was standing at my locker waiting for me. "Hey," She said when she saw me. "Hi," I said, "You can go to your locker I'll meet you in class." "Ok," Parker said as he kissed me then walked away. "Whoa, girl. Second day of school and you are already with the quarterback," Dakota said excitedly. "I guess we just clicked," I said laughing and Dakota laughed too. We walked to class together until I hear "Luna Evans!" I turn around and Autumn and her friends were pushing their way through the hall to me. "Why are you wearing Parker's jersey, that is my job," Autumn yelled. "He asked me to," I answered. "But I'm his girlfriend," She whined. "No your not," Parker said cutting in.  "Oh really, your mom isn't going to be very happy and it's not that hard for me to get a new boyfriend," Autumn said as she flipped her hair and walked away with her posse following her.  "You ok," Parker asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's not my first rodeo," I said laughing. "Come on. We're going to be late," He said smiling at my comment. 

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