Chapter 6, The Mistake

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I fell and hit the wall. "Luna, I'm so sorry," Cole said as he fell to the floor beside me. "How could you," Parker yelled at Cole and pushed him away from me. Cole got up and looked angry. "The bullet was for you,"  He yelled at Parker as he punched him. "Are you guys kidding me. I'm the one laying her with a bullet in my shoulder," I screamed. "Yeah great," They both said. "I got her," Cole said. "No don't touch her. I got her." Parker said as he grabbed my hand and not noticing he grabbed my right arm that had the bullet in it. "Ouch," I screamed. "Sorry," Parker said sincerely. "Cole grab that side of her." They lift me and I said, "Guys, I can walk." "Oh yeah of course," Parker said as they set me down on my feet. "Come on we need to leave," Cole said. They helped me down the stairs and I asked, "Where is Quinn? I have to take her home." "Parker take her to your truck and I'll find Quinn," Cole said running off. "Parker... I love you," I said as I closed my eyes. "No Luna," Parker said as he laid me in the back seat. The last thing I heard was the door slamming and Parker yelling for Cole. 

"Luna... Luna," I could hear faintly. I opened my eyes slowly. "Luna Evans, do you know where you are," the doctor asked. "Yeah, in the hospital, I think" I replied.  "So you know what happened," the doctor asked another question. "Yeah Cole accidentally shot me," I said. "Where are they?" "They are outside waiting to come in," the doctor answered. "I'll get them now." He opened the door and Quinn walked in first and said, "Hey girly, how you doing." "Fine, I guess," I replied. Than Parker walked in and kissed me on the forehead and said "Hey bookworm. By the way, I love you, too." "Hey," I said. "Where is Cole?" "He has been in that seat all night," Parker said as he moved the curtain that was next to me. "You mean I've been here all night," I asked. "Yeah you were out," Quinn answered me. "Cole," I said trying to reach him with my left arm. "Humm" he responded. "Wake up," I said. "I am awake," Cole said with his eyes still closed. "You know it's very sweet of you to stay all night with me," I said as Cole finally opened his eyes. "I couldn't leave you alone," He said. "How is your arm?" "It seems fine just hurts a little bit," I said looking down at my arm in a bandage. "I am still very sorry," Cole said. "It was my fault I was trying to save Parker," I said as I smiled at Parker. "So I guess you love me as much to take a bullet for me," Parker said as he sat at the end of the bed. "How was the party last night," I asked. "After we brought you here, I went back to tell everyone they had to leave. Then I went to tell your dad what happened and he wasn't very happy with Cole. Then I brought your dad here and took Quinn home and I went home because your dad told me to stay home." Parker answered. "I didn't need to know what happened all night," I said laughing. "Ouch. Don't make me laugh." "How about we leave and let Luna have her rest," Quinn said as she walked to the door. "Bye bookworm," Parker said as he kissed me. "I love you." "Love you more," I said as they walked out the door. "Bye." "Bye," they all yelled back. 

Parker spent all day on Sunday with me. We played games and watched movies. Parker even wrote a song for me and surprised me with it. Even Lily come to visit me. It was all fun until Parker asked: "Did you ever think about reporting Cole." "Why," I asked. "He tried to rape you. Do you remember that," Parker said. "I do remember, but he is my ex-boyfriend," I said. "But he still did," he said. "Yes, I know but I can't," I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't been to," He said wiping the tear away. "It's not you," I said. "When you asked me why I was crying yesterday after I came back from Cole's Car." "Yeah," Parker said. "Well, he wanted to know why we broke up and he got mad at me because I wouldn't tell him and I've never told anyone this before," I said crying even harder. "But last night wasn't the first time." "So he has raped you before," Parker said getting angry. "He told me if I was his girlfriend he wouldn't do it again, but that wasn't true," I said wiping the tears from my cheeks. Parker wrapped his arms around me and I leaned against him. "I'm here for you," Parker whispered. Then there was a knock at the door it was the doctor with my release papers. 

Parker took me home and before he could open the door I stopped him and said, "Please don't tell anyone about Cole." "I said I was here for you, bookworm," he said as he kissed me on the forehead. We got out and Quinn, Dakota, Cole, and my Dad were walking out the door to see me. "Hey sweetheart, how you feeling," my dad asked. "I'm fine. Where's Cooper," I said. "I'm right here," Cooper said running out the door and hugged me. "I missed you, sis."  "Watch my arm and I was gone for two days," I said. "That's too long for me. It felt like forever." Cooper said as we walked into the house. Parker helped me to the couch and I said, "I'm fine I can do it myself." "I know," he said as he sat next to me. Cole sat on the other side of me. Then we heard a knock at the front door and I said to Cole, "We need to talk."

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