Chapter 2, The Project

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"Parker, You can pick first," said Mr. Harris. "Ok," said Parker, "Luna." "Man!" said Dakota. "Dakota, your turn," said Mr. Harris. "Ummm... Chase," said Dakota. "Really, ugh," argued Chase. "Ok, your project is an essay about a deep secret," explained  Mr. Harris, "Hehe this is going to be interesting, good luck." "What was that about?" asked Dakota. "I don't know," I answered. "Omg I'm getting hungry," I told Dakota as I was laughing. "Three more classes," said Dakota. 

Finally, it's time for lunch. Dakota met me at my locker after the fifth hour. "Hey, girly, ready for lunch?" asked Dakota. "Sure am," I said laughing. "Let's sit over here," suggested Dakota. "Hey bookworm over here," yelled Parker across the cafeteria. "Hey, let's sit with Parker," I suggested to Dakota. "Why that's the jocks table," Dakota said. "Please," I begged. "No sorry, I'm going to sit with my other friends," said Dakota as she walked away. Then I walked over to Parker's table. "Hey bookworm," said Parker pointing to the seat next to him. "Wait, is that Autumn's seat," I asked scaredly. "No, she is sitting over there, cuz your seating here," Parker answered. "Ummm.... ok," I replied. "So about the essay, could I come over after football practice and we can start it?" Parker asked, " I would have you come over, but my mom gets crazy when I bring a girl over." "Yeah, I guess that's is fine, I don't think my dad would care," I answered. The whole lunch, no one talked to me. "Hey, Parker, I'm going to class now," I said. "Yeah ok, bye bookworm," Parker said not noticing me. 

I get to the art class and guess who is there, Autumn. Great, this is going to be a great class, I said in my head. "Hey, look everyone it's the loser new girl," Autumn yelled to the whole class. I just kept walking to the back of the room. "Don't listen to her," said a girl that I sat by. "By the way I'm Quinn." "I'm Luna," I said shyly.  "I don't know why she doesn't like you anyway, you're from New York and look at your clothes, what's not to like," said Quinn. "Yeah thanks, but the reason she doesn't like me is because Parker is my neighbor and she doesn't like me talking to him," I informed her. "Oh, I see," Quinn said nodding her head. I started to draw a sunflower in my sketchbook and Quinn looked over and said, "Wow, Luna that is a really good sunflower." "Thanks, my mom was good at drawing, but not in a good way," I said. "What do you mean?" she asked. "My mom drew in alleys and was in jail a couple times because of it," I said with a little bit of embarrassment. "That's pretty cool," she said excitedly. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah that's better than what my mom does," she said. "She travels a lot, so I don't see her that much," "That sucks, but at less, you get to see your mom when she comes home. My mom died a couple of years ago,"  I said. "Oh, I'm sorry," Quinn said sincerely. "It's fine", I said. "Will, bye Luna, I'll see you tomorrow," Quinn said as she left the classroom. "Bye," I yelled. I walked out of the art room and Parker and Autumn were arguing about something as I walked by. "Hey bookworm wait up," yelled Parker behind me. "You going to watch practice?" "No, sorry I got to get home, but you're coming over after practice right?" I asked. "Yeah, of course, I'll see you later then, bookworm, bye," he answered. "bye," I said as Parker ran to catch up with his friends. 

When I got home I ran to my room and turned my radio on and started to read a book while I waited for Parker to get there. I was sitting in the corner reading when I heard Parker ask "Hey bookworm, nice room." "Hey, I don't like pink," I said as I walked over to the radio to turn it down. "So... you ready to start the essay," Parker asked as he said down on my floor. "Yeah, I guess," I said as I went back to the corner seat. "Ok, you want to start or me." "You can go first," Parker said. "Ok, my biggest secret is... I'm a major tomboy," I said. "Wow, your clothes are so girly thought," He said surprisingly. "Yeah, I know it's crazy," I said as I got up and started walking around my room. " It's cool," Parker said. "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure," I answered. "It's about your mom. Was she a tomboy to or a girly girl?" Parker asked. "Oh, she was a real tomboy. She grows up in New York and was a bad girl because she was in foster care for most of her life. She drew on walls and was in jail a couple of times until she met my dad and she started drawing for art museums and gave it up when she had me. Then a few months after she had Cooper she was diagnosed with lung cancer and died a few years later when cooper was two," I explained as I started to cry.  "Hey, I'm sorry I asked. Come here," Parker said sincerely. I walked over and sat next to him on the floor. "Hey, you want to hear my secret?" Parker asked. "Sure," I said as I wiped a tear off my cheek. "I've never told anyone this before. I... I love to sing," he said meaningfully. "That's cool. Then why are you not in choir?" I asked still crying a little bit.  "My parents were high school sweethearts and my dad was the quarterback and my mom was the head cheerleader and they wanted the same for me. That is why I was with Autumn but I don't want what my parents want. I want to be myself as in singing and not playing football, but my parents think I need to follow in their footsteps," Parked explained. "Oh that's harsh," I said without crying this time. "Can I ask you a question now?" 

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