Chapter 3

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A couple of weeks later

You had been talking to Kylo Ren almost every day now and the connection of the force between you two began to get stronger. You had been given the chance to make your own lightsaber already by General Leia.

The purpose of your lightsaber was to defend yourself. But Kylo was training you how to use one to defeat any opponents of yours. Soon after this you both began to see each other's surroundings.

That's when he found out you were with the Resistance.

"Join me (y/n). You don't belong with the Resistance and you know it." One day when you finished doing some work for General Leia Organa, you suddenly felt the connection and ran off to your room.

You shut your door and turned around. You saw that Kylo was already sat down in his room. You walked over to your bed and sat down, running your fingers through your (h/c) hair.

"Why do you stay with the Resistance? What have they done that makes you want to stay-" Before he could finish you cut him off.
"Because the Resistance- No General Leia gave me a home when my own mother left me!"

You felt your tears run down your cheek, you had never felt this emotional when talking about your mother. Leia had told you, she left you with the Resistance and was never seen again.

He looked down, he suddenly felt bad for making you feel like this. He had a mother and father but he joined the Dark Side, leaving them behind to finish what his Grandfather had started.

"What about your father?" He asked interested in your story. You shrugged, you've never had a father. You looked up at him "The will of the force caused my birth."

He looked up at you as you mentioned how you were born, his eyes widened slightly. You were born in the same way as his Grandfather.

He knew that if the will of the force caused your birth then you were destined to do something that caused an impact on the Galaxy.

He took off one of his gloves and placed his hand on yours. You could feel the warmth of his hand, like he was truly there. "(Y/n) your mother was a fool to give you away. She clearly didn't see how you are destined for great things."

You looked at his hand and then at him. You moved your other hand and placed it on top of his "You know I've never told anyone about my mother, only me and General Leia know.

But there is just something about you that makes me feel like you're not as bad as you try to be Kylo-" He then cut you off  "Ben." You looked at him confused. "My name is Ben." You looked at him, your eyes meeting.

That's when you saw it, his eyes were like Leia's, you began to see a resemblance. Kylo Ren was Ben Solo. You were talking to Leia's son. "Y-You are-" He nodded slowly "Yes I am General Leia's son. Does that change your opinion about me?"

You frowned slightly "Why would it change my opinion?" You both leaned closer to each other, you could feel his slow breaths now and then "I don't care what you've done in the past. You're not a monster like they say you are Ben. You're misunderstood-"

You were then cut off as he kissed you. Your eyes widened, but you began to kiss him back. You were surprised that he could kiss you seeing as he wasn't really there, but it felt so real. He wrapped his arms around you and you moved your hands to his shoulders.

Then your door suddenly opened, It was Rey. She had her lightsaber on and was ready to use it if he attacked. You both pulled away in shock "W-what are you doing with that M-Monster?!"

She exclaimed, horrified at what she saw. You looked to the side of you where Kylo once was but he was gone. You looked back at her trying to find words to defend yourself but you couldn't.

//Hiya guys! I hope this is a bit longer for you all :3 If not then I can always try to add more! But I hope you enjoyed this Chapter :D

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