Chapter 8

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//Ahh sorry for the long wait! I've had so much schoolwork to deal with lately! I also have had some of my mocks and I'll have a couple this week sorry! But I'll try to get some chapters up ASAP! Sorry for making you all wait so long 3:

You finally wake up and began to sit up stretching. You felt movement next to you "I see you're finally awake." He laughs and sits up with you. You rolled your eyes "To me it looks like you just woke up yourself Kylo."

He laughs "Well you'll just have to take my word for it." He then got up and began to put clean clothes on, but to you they looked exactly the same. He then maintained eye contact with you "What?"

Your face flushed bright red "Am I not allowed to enjoy the view?" You said laughing. You could've sworn he was blushing, but you'd never ask him.

"The only good view around here is you." He laughed and grabbed his lightsaber "I apologise for just leaving you here. But I have an important meeting with Supreme Leader."

You sighed "Really? You've only told me now?" He used the force to open the door and he walked over where his mask was placed last night
Well when you suddenly showed up it didn't occur to me to tell you straight away." He laughed and put his mask on "Now if you'll excuse me (y/n), I have to get going.. Oh and stay out of trouble please."

The door shut behind him and you were left alone. You got changed and started to look around, but that wasn't enough for you. You wanted to look around the ship. But as you opened the door you came face to face with Kylo.

You noticed he wasn't wearing his mask "You're out of your meeting so soon..?" He sighed, then walked past you and sat down on his bed, placing his face in his hands "Excuse me but I'd like to talk to my boyfriend- I mean you. I'd like to talk to you."

He looked up at you surprised "I'm sorry I didn't-" He interrupted you "No go on. Say it." You sighed and rolled your eyes. "You heard me the first time Kylo. I'm not saying it again. Plus we haven't explained to each other exactly what we are."

You crossed your arms and looked at him. He got up and held both of your arms gently "I'm sorry I didn't mean to.. You know. I just- Look (Y/n), I love you but I don't want to force you to be my girlfriend-"

You hugged him tightly "I would be happy to be your girlfriend." You pulled away from him and punched his shoulder "Now tell me about that meeting because I'm dying of suspense."

He sighed "There is a ball being hosted at a planet that we are allied with, I am forbidden to tell you the name and we have to go together." Your eyes widened "Really? We get to go to a ball?!" You clapped your hands excitedly.

He laughed slightly "I knew you'd get excited. But there's a catch." You rolled your eyes "There's always a catch Kylo. Spit it out." He looked at you seriously "The Resistance will be there too."

You face palmed "What?!" He rolled his eyes "I said the Resistance will be there. But it's a masquerade ball, so no one should know it's us. The only reason the Resistance are there is because word got out that some members of the First Order will be there and as you know the Resistance want to take us down."

You sigh "So we have to attend but not get caught?" He nodded "Pretty much. You'll enjoy yourself, you love stuff like this. Which is why Supreme Leader insisted you come with me."

You grab his hands "it's not just stuff to me you know. I've always heard of people going to balls and masquerades but I've never actually been to one." You scratched the back of your head nervously.

"You'll be fine (y/n). Trust me." He smiled slightly "Now we have to go get you ready for this masquerade ball. Can't have you making a fool of yourself now, can we?"

You laughed "Make a fool of myself? Me? Never!" He held his hand out and you took his hand. Holding it tightly as you both walked back to his quarters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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