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You were a normal human,by all outside appearances. You worked a dead end job,lived in a apartment you could hardly afford,but you were far from normal. You are a seer, a damn good one at that.

You were used by the government for disaster control and prevention as a classified seer. But they usually left you to your life.

Today you awoke,the possibilities were endless. Several different ways things could happen. Every path visible to you. You sighed,sitting up and avoiding the stray bit of tissue from you missing the waste bin last night as to not slip on it and the hardwood flooring. You head off to the kitchen to make your coffee.

Yet,you saw more than what would happen in the next five minutes.

You saw two paths,not based on your choices but other being's choices. Two large mechs seemed to be at the end of each path. One,the shorter of the two,was a sweet looking red and blue bot with his chest plates a bit buffer than his slimmer hips. The other was a larger gray and purple more...frightening looking bot. He had red eyes that flashed purple as they looked at you from over his shoulder. You take a closer look down the path with the gray mech,everything seemed black say for the passing images and this mech.

As you walk closer in your dark space,the mech sighed,"Y/n. I have told you not to run in the ship..."he said,seemingly exasperated as you looked up at him,the image faded away as you swipe your hand to the side,ready to investigate the end of the Red path,as you will now call it,the other will be Purple I guess. The mech smiled softly,knelling down."Y/n,you did a wonderful job,your size difference didn't even slow you down,and I am proud of that..."

The image faded as you stood before the two paths again."How does it start...?"You asked yourself,the pathes faded and you saw it.

You were walking out of work down your shortcut to the woods to calm yourself when the two mechs appeared, the gray one smirked at the sight of you and the red mech."I see you found me out,Optimus. No matter,I am taking the human either way."he snarled,a blade came out from under the large cannon on his arm. The red one,Optimus, readied himself as a blade was also drawn,"Leave the girl alone,Megatron..."

You open your eyes,your coffee ready.

"Well then..." You smiled.

What a wonderful thrill that is in store for me.

(Hhhhhh this took so long for me to be okay with publishing it holy shit.)

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