L E T M E G O - T H R E E

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Nothing matters.

That's something you've lived off for years now. No choice,actions,words,none of it really mattered in the end. The stream of events leading to the end didn't change what was at the end of this long adventure we call life. 

You still die

You still lose or win.

Any choice leading to it doesn't change destiny.

Or so you thought,until Megatron came into your life.

What was once a long boring stream with nothing but rushing water has bloomed with life,endless possibilities you couldn't control.

And it was exciting

Nothing in your life has ever been a surprise until now,the trill of not knowing what exactly will happen next was addicting,it was...everything.

Never have you been so happy to wake up,never have you thought,What will my words do this time?

You loved every bit of this new life. Loved waking up and seeing the endless streams of choices you and Megatron could take to make that day a success. But alas,this feeling didn't last long. Not when Megatron's addiction to Dark Energon grew and he cared for you less and less,yelling and snapping at you. Waking up was a nightmare now,looking at him and preparing for his next outburst of rage and hurtful words thrown at you like rocks and nails.

Those rocks and nails didn't always hit you,but when they did...

God did it hurt...

He seemed to gain enjoyment from your silent tears before he left you there.

Finally it was to much when you woke up and he stared at you."WHAT?!WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?!IS IT MY FACE?!MAYBE MY HAIR!? OR IS IT BECAUSE I DARED TO BREATHE?!"You shouted,tears running down your cheeks. Megatron looked startled. His optics flashed with a wave of emotions. Hurt. Worry.


"...Y/n..."Megatron got up from his berth,walking over to you as you sobbed. He picked you up,not at all used to you showing any emotion so violently clear as now."I...I am so sorry...I ..."Megatron mumbled,he couldn't bring himself to say anything else,you curled up in his servo,he sighed,setting you down gently. Megatron transformed and his holoform appeared on the loft next to you, he sat by you and pulled you over. You wrapped your arms around him tightly,sobbing into his shoulder as he comforts you for the pain he caused. He did this.

That is all he could think of. He hurt you and there was nothing to excuse that. Nothing.

For the first time in eons Megatron was filled with regret. But he knew deep down,this pain he felt.

It doesn't change what he'll do.

He'll hurt you again and it wasn't safe for his little human pet to stick around. It was time to let go.

Megatron stares at you as you clung to him. He grew to close to you and you grew to close to him. It wasn't...right.

You knew it was coming to,you just didn't know when. And you didn't want to go. It wouldn't go as Megatron planned. It would be bad.

God it was awful...

Please don't do this

Don't let me go


Through the day Megatron was mostly silent with you. You knew it was going to happen. He knew you knew.

Just as Megatron dropped you off at the place of work for one of the Prime's human friend-

You shake your head. You saw that already. You can't be thinking of that again,not now. Megatron looked over,he frowned."Y/n,come here."He said,you take a deep breath and walk over,he picked you up and set you on his servo,"What did you see?"he asked.You look him in the optics.not with the kindness you developed for the lord,but the same bored expression you had when you met. 

"It is meaningle-"You start,Megatron was already narrowing his optics and you held back on flinching."Y/n,I know you saw something. I know it has upset you more than what I am planning to do."

You look down the many streams for this choice,all leading to the same pond of fate. There is no changing what the universe has set,you learned that the hard way.You'd be safer to just...

"I am just sad we have to part ways. Please just get it over with. I'd rather not wait for the inevitable."You stated. Megatron left the control room,holding you in his servo as he did,"I...I am sorry,Y/n...I don't know if I can stop...and I don't want to..."he stopped in the middle of the hallway,you looked to the floor from the high vantage point. You knew what he was going to say,but he couldn't get it out. So he forced himself to."I can't stand hurting my only friend."Megatron stated."For your safety I will entrust you into the Prime's more...sane care."Megatron said as he walked once more. That last part was another thing you didn't see. You smiled a bit.

"You know I hate when you are unpredictable.."You said softly."Hush,you know you love it."Megatron replied.


That would be difficult...


Megatron walked you into the fast food joint with his holoform,but he couldn't seem to pry himself away from you,he had this..gut feeling. So he'd make a excuse to stay."Could you show me how you humans do these...food services?"Megatron asked,You raised a brow."...Okay?"

You take him to the counter,you knew he could eat,if he wanted. But Megatron looked extremely hesitant to eat from this place. You pat his shoulder as he frowned at the menu,"I...don't understand what a..milkshake is..."He mutters,you snicker and he glared at you a bit."What? Is it not complex?"

You shake your head,"Nah,just get one."You said,he made a face,"But everything here looks...oily,you shouldn't consume this."He huffed."Well yeah,but...we still do cause its cheap and easy."You shrugged,Megatron rolled his eyes."Humans are lazy."He stated."Or busy.you don't know their lives don't be a cunt."You lightly shove him and he grumbled. You went up to the register,Jack was there,staring at you."...Kid,focus,c'mon even war lords have days off."You huffed,"I don't-"Megatron growled,standing by you and glaring at Jack. Jack gulped as you glared at Megatron,"Give the kid a break,poor bastard has to work a shit job just act human for like,five minutes."You huffed."Fine."Megatron crossed his arms,"But he still-"

You punch him right in the worst spot you could and he doubled over,"That's not fair I'm in my holoform-"He wheezed,You smiled at Jack sweetly,"Just a milkshake kiddo,and let Optimus know I'll be free soon."You said softly,Jack nodded slowly and put in the order. You paid and went to sit with Megatron,"Why did you want to stay?"You asked."You already know what's going to happen. "Megatron stated,you nodded,"Correct. there is nothing you can do to stop it without killing me in the process. "You said

Megatron frowned."What's going to happen exactly...?"

You went silent for a moment."...the fate of the universe is firm,Megatron....we can do nothing to change it's outcome,only hope the ripple is not a tide."You said gently,"Y/n,I can stop whatever will hap-"

"You will die."You locked eyes with his holoform."You will die and then I will be a lab rat. You are most certainly not the strongest mech in the universe,slave owners and traders are a lot stronger than you."You said firmly. Megatron looked down."I have to be able to do something..."

You sighed and grabbed his hands,leaning over the table and muttering close to his ear,"The strongest allies you come across may be your worst enemy."You said softly,"When the full moon is replaced you will find what you've been looking for."You pulled away. You hated speaking in riddles but it was needed,you can't just flat out tell him everything.

That would be to easy and fuck with fate entirely 

Megatron looked confused. You smiled,"Go. Your time will come. "You said. Megatron sighed and left the building so he could leave without causing a panic.

You smiled as you stare forward,"So,how are we going to do this,hm?"You asked sweetly. The holoform in the booth behind you chuckled,"They warned me of your ability. You won't be stupid then?"

"Of course not,I am not looking to get more damage than I will already."You stood,as did he. He escorted you to his alt car and you got in,you and the mech leaving the fast food joint.

I only hope he'll understand when the time comes...

(sorry i always take so long with this shit,hope you all enjoyed and i'll try to write more when work hasn't got me so tired)

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