p o u r e d o u t - F I V E

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It didn't take long for the raid to happen, the young woman broke into the ship with her team, freeing slaves and test subjects alike. Before she made it to you. Slipping in and out of reality and the plane of existence you've grown to depend on. You knew you wouldn't die, but it still hurts like hell

When you finally awoke, you were in a lab, the human from before standing by you and fixing you up. He noticed you were awake and smiled. "Morning sunshine. Got any visions for me today? " He hummed. You chuckled weakly.

"You were blighted, weren't you? Burned by a demon...? " You asked, watching him. "Yeeep. You'd think a Catholic school would be a save place from those little freaks. Made my childhood a whole lot harder. " Jay hummed. "You didn't believe in anything. " You stated. Another nod from Jay. "Nope. Still don't believe in God or the devil. It was all bullshit to me anyway. Demons are just the departed, struggling to go home. " Jay said, turning to a table to work.

"What do demons look like? " You sat up weakly. "A whole lot of shit. One demon is different from another. Although they do come in similar shapes and sizes. You haven't seen one? " Jay glanced over, you shake your head. "Nope. I just see the future. Wonderful, ain't it? " You said dully.

Jay laughed, "hell of a lot better  than seeing demons, they're everywhere, latching onto people. Took a hell of a lot of time to ignore em. The small ones can be helpful at times. Hobgoblins are a bit more difficult, but easy to ignore till they move on, or easy to take care of. Doesn't take a priest to memorize shit that was engrained in your head."Jay sighed.

"So... Because you're blighted, you can see me when I look at you in the other world? " You asked, he nodded. "Yeah, I saw you a few times, actually, going down the other paths. " Jay grunted. "Can you move in there...? " You asked, he shakes his head."I can't see much either. I'm blighted but I'm not gifted. "Jay stated

" What are you working on? "You asked. " You're just full of questions. "Jay chuckled, " I can't make a spark up for you in time, so I'm making some medicine to keep you up and ready. I've given you replacement legs, since I wasn't able to save them, and your right hand. "Jay said. You looked at your new metal legs and frowned. " That's not something I predicted... "You mumbled. " Sorry, I did what I could but they did worse then I expected,they should be easy to get used to soon. At least soon enough for you to use a MECHA-B8 suit. "Jay said

"For when Unicron arrives, yes? " You tilt your head, Jay nodded. "Yep, you can go help your little boyfriend. " Jay smirked. You glared at him.

"He's not my boyfriend... " You grumbled. "It's okay to like someone, Y/n. And it's okay to be scared of the unknown. Those are two things I wish I was taught. I'm in my forties now and I'm not exactly making it any further." Jay leaned against the table. "You on the other hand, you'll live longer than even you predicted with those things. You can fight a lot longer too, just long enough for me to finish the transfer shit. " Jay grumbled

"How did you come up with that anyway? " You asked, "magic." Jay did jazz hands. You giggled a bit. "Come on, no magic like that exists! "

"Yes it does, it's called science, practicality, and experience. " Jay said, smiling. "It took a hell of a lot of time but I did make the safest bet for a transfer of our minds to a Cybertronian body, the first of its kind, a artificial Cybertronian using the mind of a human being. " Jay grinned. "At least you have that going for you... " You sighed. Jay pats your held. "Cheer up, you're not just special because you can see different futures. " Jay smiled.

"You're special because you're you. "


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