L E A D E R 'S C H A R G E - O N E

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You lay your chin in your hand as you watched the woman enter the gas station from your seat behind the corner.

Every possible outcome showed her asking for the starbucks coffees,so you spoke up,"Ma'am. The coffee is down in the right corner over there."You point to the fridge and she went over,grabbed what she wanted,and came up to the counter."How-"she began before you put up a hand,"You looked like you needed it."you smiled,scanning the coffee.

After she paid and left your coworker,Dan,walked out,stretching. "You're off for the day,L/n." He said, you nodded,heading to the back to clock out and get your shit so you can leave,the back door was the best way to go to the forest.

There were the two mechs in your vision, you were a little late it seemed,as the two stopped fighting and looked over when you clear your throat."Megatron,Optimus."you nod to the two in greeting. They looked at each other then back to you,"So,you saw we would be here..."Optimus starts,uncertain.

"And you choose to come here anyway?" Megatron narrowed his red eyes,"I do not mess with fate. It can be catastrophic. Should I have not come you both would have blown half the town to hell."you said,"So...who is fated to take you then,human?"Megatron asked

"You,for now."

"For now? Ha! I'd never let go of such a useful thing!" The warlord laughed, "You let go of your sanity,Megatrous." You point out,his laughter stopped,"I thought you could only see-"Optimus began,you raised a hand,the other behind your back."I can see your pasts,and the multiple choices you will make,mostly leading to the same fate. "

"And why do I only have you for now?" Megatron growled,"I can't tell you everything, Megatron. You have to figure that out yourself. Let us go,Optimus,I will be seeing you. "You said,nodding to the Prime before Megatron picked you up,his claws wrapped around you,restraining you. You sighed,"I see,this path..."


You stood before the group of Cybertronians(as your visions told you) with a blank expression, the red one cpeared his throat lines and turned to Megatron,"Might I ask who this is, my liege?"

"Ask me yourself,Knockout." You said,the mech looked startled and stepped back,"I don't think I like them."

"Well you better start,this is the secret weapon the humans have,and now we have it. The most powerful,precise seer. Meet Y/n L/n." Megatron motions to you to the four bots. "A seer?" The slim seeker mech scoffed,"Starscream, you best hold your glossa or you'll lose another limb."you said,Starscream looked shocked and went silent, "Excellent, you'll fit right in." Megatron laughed darkly

"Perfectly,shall we go over adjusting plans, my liege?" You bow your upper half to him and he nods,"And the best way to transport you-?"

"It's best if you carry me." You said,he looked a bit displeased by this and picked you up by the back of the shirt,making it ride up and show the scars you made in the past,everyone noticed,and yet Knockout points it out,"Wha-"

"That question leads to a dark path,grounder." You glare at him as Megatron dropped you into his other servo were you land perfectly and stood in place as he began walking off,out the door and down the hall. You take a deep breath and shut your eyes,entering your vision state as you called it.

The more prominent path was brighter, for now things seemed to be set in stone,which happens,yes. This path shows soon Megatron will ask a question.

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