D I F F E R E N T - F O U R

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Optimus returned to the base, puzzled as the human children rush to the railing. "Where is she? " Jack asked

"I'm... Not entirely sure. I went to your place of work but I have not found her. " Optimus said. Ratchet looked bewildered. "What?! She slipped away again?! " He exclaimed. "Did Megatron take her back or something? " Bulkhead asked

"I doubt it..."Optimus said, "And why do you doubt it? " Ratchet crossed his arms. "He would have a good reason for giving up someone so valuable. " Optimus said. "It wouldn't take much to keep someone so valuable! " Ratchet exclaimed. Optimus sighed. "We'll have to keep searching then... See if you can find her cell signal. "


Megatron paced through the control room, his army watching and muttering about the strange behavior.

"Soundwave contact the Autobots! " Megatron ordered, Soundwave took a moment before he nodded, getting a call set up to the enemy team.

The prime answered, confused as Megatron spoke. "Is she with you?! " He yelled, panicking slightly and covering it with rage. "Do you mean Y/n? " Optimus asked. "YES I MEAN Y/N YOU IDIOT! DO YOU HAVE HER OR NOT?! " The warlord shouted.

There was a moment of silence. "She's not with you...? " Optimus questioned. Megatron froze up, his optics wide and he took a sharp vent. He started pacing again, rubbing his face as he tried to calm himself down.

"-Megatron? " The prime repeated, clearly it wasn't the first call for attention from the prime. Megatron stopped for a moment. What could he do...? Yes, she said he couldn't do anything but... He couldn't just stand by and do nothing. "The human! Put the human on! " Megatron shouted. "Which one... ? " Optimus questioned. "The mech one, the tallest... " Megatron took a second, what did she call him...? "Darby! That one! "

Optimus looked at his human friend, who nodded. Jack stepped up. "What's up? " He asked

"What did you see? Did you watch her? " Megatron asked quickly. "Only for a minute, but my boss called me into the back. " Jack said. "What did you see? " Megatron repeated firmly.

"Well, there was someone sitting behind her, he was talking to her a bit but I didn't hear what they said. "Jack said. Megatron grumbled before Miko piped up

" She was a seer, right? Didn't she tell you anything? "She asked. Megatron took a moment to remember what his beloved friend told him. "The strongest allies you come across may be your worst enemy. When the full moon is replaced you will find what you've been looking for. That's all she told me. " Megatron grunted.

Raf opened up a browser and looked something up. "The full moon is next week! " He piped up. "And the only person who's your greatest enemy is Optimus. " Jack said. "And clearly you're looking for Y/n! " Miko chimed in. "So that means you'll need our help to get her back. " Arcee crossed her arms.

"But what about the other part? " Megatron questioned. "When the moon is covered. " He added. "Well I'm not sure about that, there's no eclipse or anything of the sort. " Raf said.

"I'd suggest going about what you were planning to do before until the time comes. " Ratchet said. "We cannot meddle with time, we must let it play out as planned. " Optimus said.

Megatron hated to admit it, but they were right. And it hurt. Primus it hurt so much. Not having Y/n there with him, not waking up to see her, see her smile, her eyes... How she made him feel... Different...

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