A S T A R T - T W O

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If you think being a human was hard,well fuck you,being a seer is harder. Hardly anything is a surprise and when it is it's not a good feeling. It's upsetting when things happen that you never saw happen in any timeline because its falling out of your norm.

But seeing almost everything that happened had its advantage.

Starscream sucking up wasn't one however. In fact it was becoming annoying.

"Your brilliance knows no bounds, Seer Y/n! "The seeker kissed your ass like there was no tomorrow. You sighed as Megatron was out and left you to oversee the bridge and orders that needed to be carried out.  Starscream had said this after you gave out a order with a emotionless tone as always.

" Starscream,keep your mouth SHUT! "You snapped, Starscream recoils, " O-of course, my deepest apologies, Seer... "He said nervously as he stepped back, Megatron enters the bridge and picked you up, placing you on his shoulder.

After the mine incident Megatron and you had grown closer. Even being, dare you say it,good friends. The war lord had treated you with the up most respect. And you returned that respect without issue.

"How did things go while I was away?"Megatron asked you,"Annoying."You grumbled."Starscream?"He asked,you nod and he does as well."He can be irritating. But he doesn't seem to disrespect you."Megatron notes

"Because I can make his life worse than you can."You remarked."Plus he thinks I planed the cave in,dumbass..."You huffed,"You seem more annoyed than usual,did you get enough recharge?"Megatron asked,you sighed,shaking your head.

"How do your arms feel? "Megatron asked quietly. You tensed and sighed, relaxing, " Fine..."You mutter. Megatron hummed in acknowledgement of your response.

"I set up a spot for you in my room so you are safer. " He said, you blinked and looked at him. He looked back, "Unpredictable? " He smirked.

"Yes." You crossed your arms with a huff. "Good." Megatron chuckled lightly


You stood on the paths once again.


Megatron was ahead on two paths, Optimus had his own path.  His was the same as last time as was one of Megatron's but then there was the second Megatron path...

You look through it, curious.

Megatron took you to the spot in his room,he got in his holoform and sat with you up there, watching the flat screen

You would poke fun at him for not knowing basic things such as, and you quote, "The welding of two people's dermas".

Megatron watched as it happened again. He tilts his head, so confused by it. Megatron looked at you, you looked back as he seemed to be thinking.

Megatron turned to face you completely, " I want that. "He said, pointing to the screen. "... The TV..? " You raises a brow, he huffed and points to his lips, "That thing their doing, they are enjoying it, I want to feel it,I want to know why they like it. " Megatron said. You flushed and looked at him like he was a weirdo.

"My lord I don't think you should just go around asking people to kiss you. " You said. "That's why I'm just asking you. I trust you to keep my wish to try this a secret. " Megatron said.

You think for a moment and sighed, pulling him over. You press your lips to his and he froze up for a moment.

Megatron held your face and kissed back, his face felt on fire.  He gingerly pulled your body closer to his.

Things started to get heated, he laid you down, grinding against you on sheer instinct. You wrapped your legs around him, moaning softly into the kiss. Megatron's large yet soft and warm hands trail down your face, lower and lower till it slipped under your jeans and underwear, rubbing your-

B E E P  B E E P  B E E P!

You gasped, shooting up as a alarm went off. Megatron groaned and shut off his alarm, sitting up on his side of the room. You stare at him, your e/c eyes wide and your face flushed, he looked over, a bit of drool on his dermas and his red optics were foggy and half lidded, "What? " His voice was deeper and huskier in the morning.

H-holy shit-

"N-nothing." You got up, turning away from him. Megatron stood up and got some energon.

You glanced over and your gaze was fixed on his ass, watching how to swayed with his steps

Megatron looked over, "Y/n? Is something wrong? Did I sit on something? You're staring at my rear... " He was slightly flushed

You quickly looked away before that outcome would happen.

"Y/n? " Megatron looked at you. You looked over. Megatron was slightly flushed.

You couldn't see what would happen next, making you're heart race.

Being around him had this... Thrill... The thrill of the unexpected actions, words, even glances. It was fantastic

"You... Were staring at my... Aft. " Megatron points out, you stare at him emotionless on the outside, dying on the inside. "I was admiring your structure and how your joints move when you walk."I said blandly. Megatron thought for a moment before he deemed this explanation acceptable. Then he looked startled,"Admiring?"He asked


"Yes."You stood up."Is that a issue,my lord? I thought you'd want me to like everything about you."You glanced at him with a slight smirk. Megatron stares at you for a solid minute."...I believe you are what humans call,a little asshole."Megatron crossed his arms,he yelped and covered his face as you started taking your pajama shirt off,"You can't wait until I am out?!"

"Is this making you uncomfortable,my lord?"You asked."Very."He huffed,taking a peek and quickly covering his optics again when you were still getting undressed like nothing was wrong. Honestly it was funny. Watching this strong mech crumble before you at the simple  act of taking your clothes off. Is this how most women feel about men? If so you understood.

It was amazing.

(I apologize for the sort part and the delay,as of late i haven;t had much inspiration with writing but im trying to work on some of my current stories to bring new parts to you before i make a entirely new MegatronXReader,i'm not sure if this or any other story of mine on here will habe constant updates,but I'll try my best.) 

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