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It takes about an hour to get to my stop so I thought taking a short nap would be fine. I leaned my head against the seat, preparing to close my eyes. It was the perfect moment as I was in a perfect position to take a nap.

Well, life had some other plans.

I think it was the fourth stop and only ten more before I get home. The doors of the bus swung open, immediately filling the vehicle with noise. Of course, I was displeased at this fact. All I wanted was some peace and quiet after such a stressful day.

I sank further into my seat, pulling over the hood of my jacket. That didn't help at all. Their voices only grew louder as they came closer. However, it stopped somewhere in the middle. I lifted my head to look at the scene, only to find a small group of guys around my age swarming the girl from earlier.

"Oh, it's you, (y/n)." One of them says.

Do they know each other?

"Leave me alone, Youngsoo." The girl replies.

"Oh, gotten feisty talking back to me, have we?" The boy replied.

The said girl didn't even bother to reply, ignoring his presence. This obviously disappointed 'Youngsoo'. The two boys behind him only exchanged looks, not deciding to step into the scene.

"Hey, don't ignore me." Youngsoo snapped, voice booming throughout the vehicle.

"I said leave me alone, Youngsoo. I'm not in the mood. I already got harassed before you came." She sighed.

Oof. Is she talking about me?

"Youngsoo, let's just stand aside. The bus is moving." One of his friends points out.

"Yeah, let's not block the way." The other one chimes in.

In the end, Youngsoo listened to the two but not without showing his annoyance. The two friends went ahead of him, but Youngsoo turned back around only to whisper something into her ear. The girl shivered, immediately scooting away from him. Youngsoo smirked at this, then left her alone.

Who is he?

What kind of relationship do they have?

Why am I even the tiniest bit intrigued by this?

I suddenly felt the empty seats to my left become occupied. Even without turning my head to their direction, I knew who it was without a doubt. I grew irritated at the fact that not only do I have to survive a whole ride with their racket, but also because I've grown curious about their connection to '(y/n)'.

"Why do you pester (y/n) so much?" The taller friend asks him.

Youngsoo sighed.

"I just want her attention, Minwoo. I still can't believe she rejected me." He confessed quietly, but loud enough for me to hear.

"Well, that certainly won't get her to like you more." The other friend told him.

"How would you know, Eunseok? You've never had a girlfriend." Youngsoo retorted.

'Eunseok' seemed to be upset about his statement, causing the boy to pout. 'Minwoo' only sighed at the two friends, peeking out the window. At this point, I hadn't even noticed I was staring at them. I only snapped out of it once Youngsoo's eyes met mine with a rather cold glare.

I immediately turned away, suddenly finding the texture of my hoodie interesting. Youngsoo didn't lash at me, but I certainly heard a grunt before he turned back to his friends.

I shook my head. I shouldn't be so invested with people I've barely met. For all I know, they could be some kind of lowkey gang and (y/n) could be from a poor family who works for them and didn't meet their needs. I mean, it doesn't look that way, but we'll never know.

The three continued talking among themselves. I didn't bother eavesdropping, minding my own business and trying to take a long-awaited nap.

Again, life has other plans.

"Well, this is our stop. See you." 

From the corner of my eye, I see two figures stand. Minwoo and Eunseok gave Youngsoo a thunderous high five before getting off the bus. 

Great, now I'm stuck with the (y/n) pesterer.

"Ey, bro."

Is he talking to me?

"Hey, I'm talking to you, man."

"I'm sorry?" 

"Do you have five bucks?"

I blinked at this rather unusual question. What the hell?

"What for?"

"I'm going to take my girlfriend out for a date."

"Sorry, I'm on a tight budget."

"Geez, go find a second job or something."

Yeah? Go get a life, scumbag.

"Well, go find your own money."

"Thanks for nothing." 

Shouldn't I be the one telling him that?

"Whatever, it's not worth my time to beg. I don't need your filthy money to prove I love my girlfriend." He mutters, more to himself than to me, and stands from his seat despite the shaky ride.

Why is he even announcing that to me?!

What the hell is wrong with this person?

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