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"Happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to you,

happy birthday dear Channie hyung,

happy birthday to you"

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of heavenly voices surrounding me. I rubbed at my eyes, focusing on the eight boys that stood before me. I instantly smiled upon seeing their bright faces, and Seungmin holding a large cake with my name spelled in Hangul on the center.

I thanked them as they handed the cake over. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes as I stared at the burning candle. 

Today, I turn 21.
It's been six months since our debut.
Five months since I last saw her.

"You guys shouldn't have." I said in a soft voice, wiping a few tears.

"Oh but we want to, thanks for being a great leader hyung." Jeongin spoke up, earning a few nods from the rest.

I smiled, placing the cake on the table before engulfing the 8 boys in a group hug. I could hear a few groans and cheers come out of their mouths, but I only pulled them closer. I was really grateful for having brothers like them.

A few seconds later, Seungmin broke free from my grasp and so did the rest. They slowly started to pile out of the room, leaving me with Woojin and Minho.

"Well, you better get dressed." Minho pats my shoulder before heading out the door with Woojin.

"Wait, where to?" I ask, causing them to stop before the door.

"Lotte World." Woojin replies, pushing Minho out the door and following suit.

☆。*。☆。            ☆。*。☆。            ☆。*。☆。

"tHe WhEeLs oN tHe bUs gO rOuNd aNd rOuNd-"

"Okay, that's enough you two." Minho sighs, hand on his forehead.

"Aww, let them sing, Minho." Woojin speaks up.

"Yeah, it's Chan hyung's birthday anyways." Felix chimes in.

"You just want to sing, Felix." Changbin points out.

"I mean, I'm not gonna deny that." Felix laughs.

I shook my head at their childish bickering. I sank further into my seat as the two slowly ended their small argument. In no time, the bus was silent again and we were all enjoying the peace.

A few minutes passed and the bus finally arrived at the amusement park. I was the last to get off the bus, stretching as I did. I was about to speak up when I heard the younger ones scream and sprint towards the entrance.

"I hope those kids don't get lost." Woojin says.

"Oh believe me, they will." Minho replies.

We followed suit as soon as we saw Jeongin, Jisung, and Felix inside. The three boys loudly calling our names, bouncing up and down on their feet. It was hard not to smile, especially with Jeongin and Felix dragging me inside and pointing the rides they want to get on.

"Hold your horses, let Chan pick a ride first."

The two boys immediately silenced, looking at me for an answer. I looked around, trying to come up with a ride.


The group burst out grumbling.

"Hey, no complaints! It's his birthday!"

The boys followed in silence, trudging in defeat. I excitedly rushed to the back of the ride, patting the sides for Hyunjin and Seungmin to take. The two sat beside me, smiles on their faces, unlike the rest who were anxious to get on the ride.

Hana... dul... set!

Just like that, the ride began. It started out slow, but I can practically hear the people in front of me screaming their lungs out. I had my hands on air as the ride went on, yelling in excitement than frustration.

Eventually, the ride reached the peak and the view up there was amazing. I couldn't help but scan the area, admiring the tiny people walking around.

I swear I almost stopped breathing when I saw a girl that looked like (y/n). She had the same hoodie from the last time we saw each other, and the way the wind blew her hair reminded me of when I first met her. I felt a pang in my chest just by looking at the back of her figure. Although it's quite impossible for her to be here, I can't help but miss her somehow and I couldn't understand why she isn't easy to forget.


I snapped out my trance to see Woojin, who sat in front of me, with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." I assure him, seeing as the ride was coming to a stop.

I could feel Seungmin and Hyunjin's eyes on me, but the two decided to keep quiet. We finally got off the ride and Woojin immediately places his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" He inquires once more, raising an eyebrow.

"I am."

"It's the same look on your face when you first told me you kissed her." 

I sighed.

"I-I'm just hallucinating." I admit quietly.

"You're not."

"W-What do you mean?"

"She's really here."

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