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It felt surreal to have the same girl standing in front of me, her hair tucked behind her ear as she rocked back and forth on her heels. I couldn't bring myself to speak, stunned both by her presence and the boy watching her from behind.

"Why is Youngsoo here?"

Sure, Chan. That's the best way to start a conversation with a girl you haven't seen for months.

In an instant, her faint smile dropped and she stared at me in disbelief. Even Youngsoo was taken aback, ready to have a go at me. (Y/n) didn't give me a reply, averting her gaze. I could tell she was hurt at that.

"I was expecting a 'how have you been?', but I'm sorry if I expected too much." She said almost in a whisper, clearing her throat afterward.

I shook my head. She shouldn't have to apologize, I'm just being rude.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's been a while, but I'm glad to see you. Really." I admit, scratching the back of my neck.

Her eyes lit up, delighted that I've acknowledged her. I tried my best not to get caught up by her glowing expression, but I knew I was failed as I felt my cheeks grow hot. It was hard not to admire her physical features and how she stood there in awe. My heart just never seemed to calm down whenever she was around.

She made me feel special.

She did that with just one soft smile.

"You have no idea, Chan."

☆。*。☆。            ☆。*。☆。            ☆。*。☆。

"How's the birthday boy?"

I opened my eyes to see Minho giving me a smirk. I playfully rolled my eyes at him, patting the empty space next to me for him to take. I heard the shuffling of his feet and soon enough, I wasn't feeling the cold breeze alone anymore.

"You know it's not my birthday anymore, right?" I smiled.

"Eh, it's only been a few minutes since it ended." He shrugged, lying down next to me.

"The stars are so pretty tonight." I commented, staring at the night sky once more.

Minho hummed, fixing his gaze above him. I sighed in content. It was a perfect night to stargaze at our rooftop. I did this quite often when I have too much to think about, but it was only this night where I felt my thoughts were perfectly in place.

I guess I should thank her for a soothing night.

"So, why was Youngsoo there?" Minho questioned in curiosity, turning his head to me.

"He loves her." I shrugged.

"So, they're a thing?" He asked, careful with his words.

"No, haven't you heard of 'if you love someone, let them go?'" I raised my eyebrow, in which he rolled his eyes.

"I have, but what's the deal then?" He propped his elbow.

"He wanted to make things right, so he brought her to see me." I explained.

"But how? How did he know you were going to be there?" 

"He contacted Woojin."

"Again, how?"


"Without us seeing it?"

"Yeah, he left no trace. Woojin's sneaky, it's creepy."

"For all we know, he could be leaking memes of us too." Minho added, making me laugh.

"I'm grateful for him though." I admit.

"Sure, I mean look at how things turned out." Minho says, and I smiled at that.

"Bang Chan, would you give me the chance to make up for lost time?" She asked, extending her hand.

"(y/n) (l/n), I would be honored to make it up to you as well." I replied, taking her hand in mine.

I still remember Youngsoo's pained expression. I could only imagine how hard it was for him to let go of a girl he loved so much. I excused myself from the girl, making my way to Youngsoo to give him a pat on the back.

"I don't need your pity." He says, trying to hide his shame.

"It takes a real man to let a woman go. I salute you." I ignore his comment, patting his back.

For a moment, he lowered his pride and smiled. He even gave me a fist bump. It felt nice to see his cool side. With that, he waved us goodbye and went on his way.

i turned to the girl waiting for me.

"Let's go?" I ask, offering my arm.

"Let's go." She softly replied, accepting my offer.

"Is she still on your mind, hyung?" Jeongin suddenly asks, appearing beside me.

"Of course, she'll always be." I laugh, seeing as the rest of boys joined us on the rooftop.

"Congratulations, mate." Felix says in a cheery tone.

"Thank you...

I just can't believe she's mine now."

Bang Chan // Stray KissWhere stories live. Discover now