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It's been a few months since we've debuted.

Few months since I last saw her.

"Hey, Chan hyung! Look at this!"

I looked back to see the boys huddled in a circle with the laptop placed on top of Hyunjin's legs. I made my way over to them, curious as to why the bright smiles and giddy behavior. Minho scooted a bit backward, giving me some room to view the screen of the laptop. I occupied the space and found them reading a bunch of supportive comments from all the fans.

"They have been sending us appreciative comments all day." Jeongin tells me.

"Ahhh, I feel so motivated!" Jisung exclaims, putting his hands behind his head.

"They're the best fans." Seungmin smiles.

"And the absolute cutest!" Felix adds.

My heart instantly warmed at the sight of even more comments flooding in. It certainly felt nice to receive so much support from people after long years of training and hardwork, especially seeing the fans acknowledge the rest of the team.

"Chan, look."

I raised my eyebrow at Minho who had his eyes on the screen, pointing to a particular comment on one of our recent pictures. I squinted my eyes, reading the text displayed.

"Congrats on your debut! Hope to see you again soon, Chan!"

And in that moment, my heart skipped a beat.

Could it be...?

☆。*。☆。              ☆。*。☆。              ☆。*。☆。

11:35 pm

I should be sleeping.

I need to be well rested if I want to perform at Music Bank in good condition. However, my mind's still hung up on her.

She remembers me.

But is it the same way I remember her?

I groaned, sitting up from my bed and turning on the lamp. I quickly grabbed my phone that sat on the nearby desk and opened our Instagram account. I clicked on our latest photo, scrolling through numerous comments only to search for a name I've been wanting to see.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. It's almost impossible for her name to just magically appear. I dropped my phone on the mattress, letting out a sigh as I stared at the ceiling.

However, I jumped upon feeling my phone vibrate. Peeking at the screen, I noticed a notification saying that we received a direct message. I slowly picked it up, unlocking my phone to see a familiar name.

Did God just answer my prayer?

I shakily tapped on the profile, gulping as her name appeared.

With a tick mark beside it?

(f/n) (l/n) ✔️

blogger // bang chan enthusiast

I swear I almost died.

It's the same (y/n) that I met.

I fumbled with my phone as I instantly tried to open her message. I muttered a few curses under my breath as it took so long to load. Finally, the text displayed and I scrolled through her somewhat lengthy message.

hey, it's (y/n)
um so yeah idk who's actually going to read this but this message is intended for your leader, bang chan and i request that you don't continue reading if you aren't him. please.

to chan, hey it's been a while and i'm not even sure if you still remember me
i just wanted to say congrats on your debut, i have been following you since pre-debut days and it puts a smile on my face to see your performances
i'm honestly still a bit bummed to be far away from you when i've been wanting to see your live shows and attend your fan meetings

anyways ohmygoodness what am i even doing, i'm sorry to bother you because i know you guys are busy but i can't help but wonder how you've been

it hurts to hear your name thinking i could've stayed but i chose to walk away from the man who first captured my heart

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@y/nslays blocked you.

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