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Today at school we got these pieces of paper for a winter wishlist, they said that you can ask for anything you need, if your parents are having a hard time, paying for anything, or you can put someone Elsa down. One of my best friends Skye told me

"Yeah I am going to do my winter wishlist for you, since your poor ," she said that in front of the hole class. I don't get why she had to say it like that, I am happy she cares about me but that  didn't mean you have to label me. My family is not rich but yet we are not homeless. I can't just go and ask my parents for anything I have to work for ever thing I get. My parents fight about money, I have gone days with only eating dinner and what I had is usually breed. I was born a street kid, and will forever be a street kid... So yes I don't get ever thing I need or want, and yes sometimes I steel but only the stuff people have wasted, but that doesn't mean I am depressed that doesn't mean I am a bad person (Okay maybeing the stealing but that's not the point here) so stop labeling me Okay.

Thank you.

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