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You know there are them people in your lifes. That all they ever think is bad about them self and you just want to grab them by the shoulders and shake them and yell at there face about how great they are. That's kenna. Kenna has a hard time staying happy. She can also get mad really fast, and like me she worries a lot, she also gives up fast.

So know there's the bad about kenna but just like Skye there is 20 times more good then bad so let me start

Yes kenna can ge pissed but half the time she does she is protecting you she just wants you to be safe becaue of how much she cares about you. Second kenna can worry abour silly things but we all worry about silly things, Kenna isnt afraid to put her feelings behide to help other.

I sit by kenna in my 1sr hour whatch is choir. She thinks she sings bad but she is really good plus her dance moves are great.

Kenna is tan with hazel green eyes and amber hair. She is beautiful but doesn't see it in herself like I do. I can see it in her eyes. She is a great person I feel bad for anyone how doesnt have her in there life. If I didnt have you kenna I would be for real.

No if and or buts you are the best form the inside out I know how cheesy this sounds but it's TRUE I love you guys both


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