Chapter 17: Cracked Scales

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The Edda river stretched out miles into the horizon. The water glinted in the sun like millions of shining diamonds prickling through groves of trees and long plains of grass. In the far off distance the very edges of a mountain range could be seen, shrouded by blue sky and clouds of what seemed to be a distant storm. The river was dotted with trade ships that made their way back and forth between the many port towns that occupied the banks of the water below.

Akaysha dipped slightly in the sky as a strong gust of wind brushed over her wings. The other dragons around her flapped along, the sun shining off their respective coloured scales in a rather brilliant array of light. The villages down below looked up toward them, and Ragin could see some pointing and arm waving in their direction. To become a dragon rider was everyone's dream, and every child wished it with all their hearts. Even to see a dragon was a memorable sight.

'How are your wings?' Ragin asked his dragon as she pulled them in for another flap.

'A little tired. But not as bad as before.'

'That's good. Just don't push yourself.'

He felt her rumble of agreement through her neck as they continued to fly. They hadn't stayed too long in Hedarth. After the attempt at Ragin's life Arya had decided to forgo the planned two-three day rest stop and continue on to the mountains as quick as their dragon's wings could take them. All the riders had been a little surprised and disbelieving at his story, but after repeating it in the ancient language they had no choice but to believe him.

He suspected none of them really had realised the danger he was in. Ragin knew, or at least he had an idea at what Foeswarn was capable of. There were hundreds after his head currently, and it was only a matter of time before they caught up to him. Especially considering the oaths sworn in the ancient language to get him, no matter the cost. The hefty sum over his head also was a good persuasion for most bounty hunters. And he knew that unless he found somewhere to hide in relative safety he would never find peace from them.

It was a frustrating dilemma because he was now flying toward New Doru Araeba, and while being well fortified with thousands of wild dragons surrounding the mountains... everyone knew where it was. It would only be a matter of time before someone managed to make it through and threaten his life. He wouldn't be able to stay there, which meant he would have to figure out a way to get around the oaths they would undoubtedly force him to swear. But he had already thought of one way that may work.

'Ragin... is Mr. Foeswarn after you because of me?' asked Akaysha softly in his mind.

He was startled at the question, and was even more startled by the feeling of guilt from the dragon below him, 'Akaysha, this isn't your fault. It was just an unfortunate series of events is all. You can't be blamed for what has happened.'

'But still, the reason he is after you is because of me? Right?'

'The reason he is after me is because I stole you from him, and he considers you his property. Men like that don't easily forgive such trespassing, especially when it involves such a prized possession as a dragon. And I have a strong feeling that he was somewhat responsible for your ability to use magic so easily."

There was silence from Akaysha, 'Maybe. I don't really remember much of what happened after I hatched. The only reason I really remember the escape is because you do.'

'I know,' he placed a hand on her neck, lightly rubbing the scales, 'Just do tell me if anything sticks out at any point in the future.'

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