Chapter 1

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There was once a small kingdom in the East. It was ruled by a respectable emperor named Wang Yao. The man ascended the throne when he was fifteen. Being an intelligent and competent ruler, he was able to guide his kingdom towards prosperity. The Kingdom of Fire established prominent and cooperative ties with the neighbouring countries. The trades flourished because of cheap labour and low tariffs. Soon, the kingdom became one of the leading providers of fake goods around the globe. Emperor Yao despised wars so he would strive to retain peace in his own little realm.

Despite his age, Emperor Yao made himself look like he was in his early twenties with ancient Chinese magic (It was a secret recipe which he refused to tell anyone). He had amber eyes and long, black hair which he usually tied in a neat ponytail. He had an appealing appearance. Because of his feminine features, many mistook him for a girl. There was also a childish side of him which never faded however many decades passed. He was infatuated with adorable things like plushies and pandas. "Cuteness" was his charm.

Emperor Yao's beauty attracted suitors from various places. Even after they realised that he was an alpha, they continued courting him. Emperor Yao eventually married according to his parents' wills. He was betrothed to a beautiful omega princess from a foreign country. Unluckily for him, the queen died after their first son, Cheng, was born. Yao married again. This time, the second omega queen gave birth to a daughter, Mei. The mother, too, died soon in a disease. Devastated, Yao married again. The third queen gave birth to a boy named Yong Soo. She died on a voyage when the ship encountered a fatal storm. Slowly losing hope, Yao married yet again. This time, the beta queen granted him a son named Leon. She didn't die, but she fled with a French ambassador during a royal ball and was never seen again. Yao later met a princess from a northern kingdom, namely the Kingdom of Snow. Princess Anya fell in love with Emperor Yao at first sight and was determined to make him hers. She resorted to her father, King Winter, and proposed a marriage between the two countries. Yao took the offer because he reckoned Anya might be able to mother his children. The two got married and fortunately stayed together for years.

As much as Emperor Yao doted on his kids, he had great expectations of them. He was extremely proud when his firstborn, Cheng, turned out to be an alpha. Cheng was tall and charming. He had brown hair and inherited Yao's amber orbs. He combed his bangs to one side and wore a pair of glasses. He was smart and calculating. He never needed a lot of time to learn. His calmness and maturity pleased Yao as the boy never broke a rule and was always loyal to his father. He also cared a lot about the poor and was constantly suggesting policies that could ameliorate poverty in the kingdom. When Cheng reached fifteen, he was able to take over the majority of works in his father's place.

Mei was a gorgeous beta girl with long, wavy hair and dark orbs. She, too, was intelligent and kind-hearted. She was very skilled at arts and grew up to be an elegant princess. She tried not to disappoint her father. Nevertheless, she had a dream of her own. She sometimes felt caged in her royal life and demanded more independence. For this reason, she constantly bickered with Emperor Yao, who was very protective of his kids.

Yong Soo was a very optimistic and energetic boy. Like his siblings, he had dark brown hair, but a weird flyaway curl stuck out on the right side of his head. He was tall and handsome. He was loud and talkative. He never hesitated to voice his opinions. He loved playing pranks on his siblings, flirting with girls and groping the servants. He got into trouble frequently, but Emperor Yao always forgave him because his cherubic personality reminded him strongly of his deceased wife. Yong Soo grew up to be a strong, confident alpha.

Now, Leon wasn't so lucky. He looked plain and ordinary. He did inherit his father's traits but he took after his mother's thick eyebrows. Emperor Yao remained bitter about his fourth wife's unfaithfulness. At one point, he wanted to disown Leon and make him live with his uncle, King Arthur, from the notorious Pirate Kingdom instead. After sending him away for seven years, however, Yao felt guilty and realised that it was never Leon's fault to begin with. Therefore, he retrieved his son and now the teenage boy returned to his family. The boy was rather introverted and reclusive compared to his siblings. He didn't speak much. He worked hard to gain others' attention, but no matter how much he tried, he could never outshine his brothers. He could never be as brilliant and distinguished as Cheng; as stunning and gracious as Mei and as cheerful and lovable as Yong Soo. This fact alone made him a somewhat pessimistic being. Therefore, to avoid trouble, he simply stayed out of things. Emperor Yao never bothered much with him, especially after he learnt that his youngest son was an omega.

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