Chapter 3

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Two days passed. Leon knew he was running out of luck. He sat at the dressing table every chance he got but his family never appeared. He didn't know how long he could put up with the disguise. Although they had tried to keep mimimum contact with Queen Lukas, the sensitive beta remained rather suspicious and wary.

To avoid trouble, Leon stayed inside the chamber most of the time. He had gotten accustomed to the daily routines. They woke up at eight. Tino would come in and dress them. Leon still despised dresses so he would stay in his shirt and pants unless he had to leave the room. Breakfast was served half an hour later. They ate together and chattered, both getting to know each other more. Emil was interested in Leon's past life. He had never befriended another prince. They both had something in common and yet their life was so different. Leon told him about his father and siblings, their accomplishments and deeds, his time spent with King Arthur because his existence stirred up bitter memories for Emperor Yao, his return to Fire Kingdom and his seclusion afterwards. Emil nodded and listened intently as Leon shared things about himself. It wasn't hard to tell that they were both lonely beings craving for recognition. They both wanted someone to understand them, the struggle and hassle they went through being a royal member. Leon talked optimistically but his tone revealed otherwise. He would smile whenever he finished speaking, even if all Emil ever responded with was just a nod or a mumble of acknowledgment. Emil tried to tell Leon about himself but he found it difficult to open up. When Leon leant in and blinked at him enthusiastically, he could only blush and turn away. His heart would thump faster and his skin burnt. He wondered why.

"So...what do you normally do?" Emil asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Nothing much, really." Leon shrugged, toying with the silvery fork. They were sitting beside the glass windows. He glanced at the massive green plants outside. "I read and play with firecrackers."

"Don't they explode?"

"That's why it's fun," Leon said plainly. "And I did have a couple of lessons back there. Arts. Languages. Mathematics. Music. Kung Fu, stuff like that."

"Kung what?"

"Kung Fu," Leon said. "It's a type of martial arts."

"You fight?" Emil frowned. He had never heard of an omega fighting.

"Father doesn't like it," Leon said. "He thinks I should stay indoors and attend classes like a regular omega, but I don't want to. My butt hurts if I sit all day. So, I, like, insisted on practising Kung Fu with my brothers."

"Well, I have lots of classes and I hate them," Emil said. "As a matter of fact, I have a magic training session today. I'm planning to pretend I'm sick."

"No, you can't," Tino interrupted with a smile. Emil pouted.

"Maybe it isn't that bad," Leon said.

"I don't like magic," Emil admitted. "I never do it properly. It's so hard. I mess up every time. It's so..."

"Frustrating, I know," Leon said. "I spent a long time trying to master the magic of fire."

"You know how to make a fire?" Emil gasped.

"I do."

"Show me."

"Only if you attend the lesson," Leon said with a smirk.

"Fine!" Emil snorted and stood up.

"So, I guess I'll, like, wait here in the chamber?"

"Yes, don't wander around or it's not my problem you get discovered," Emil said.

After Emil left for his class, Leon got himself a book from the library and sat down on the couch. He was reading the Scandinavian folklores when the mirror gleamed. Ecstatic, he dashed to the dressing table. As expected, Yong Soo's goofy grin slowly came into sight.

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