Chapter 4

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The sunrays were making their way through my eyes and I slowly opened them. It was morning. I saw the wall clock.

Shit! Its 6.30 am. 

I have never slept this late! Even though it is early for few people to wake up at this time, it's too late for me.

I sat and saw if Luiz was still lying on his bed.

So he was already awake.

Did he see me sleeping? What he might have thought while seeing me asleep?

Did I look good to him?

First of all, did he even look at me?

Gosh! What was I thinking....

I stood up and saw if he was in the restroom. But it was not occupied.

Where did he go?

I quickly did my routine and took bath.

I got dressed in a dark blue leggings and a loose baggy white colour t-shirt.

I quickly rushed down the stairs. To my surprise, Caroline was already awake and she was having something.

"Good morning Caroline!", I greeted her. "Sorry for waking up late!", I added.

"Good morning darling! Oh, come on, don't be so formal and it's not too late. Come have coffee with me.", she said patting the vacant place on the couch she was sitting on.

Wow! Darling? On top of that she is asking me to have coffee with her? She is such a warm woman!

Suddenly it creeped into my mind.

Where is he? Did he already leave for work?

I couldn't control my curiosity anymore so I just asked her, "Where is Luiz?"

She smiled and answered, "He is upstairs working out in his gym."

"He has his own gym upstairs?", I asked.

I was really surprised as I never heard it before. All I could remember from gym was the arguments that Maria and Annie had. Annie paid for an yearly package but discontinued after a month saying she couldn't bear the pain and Maria screamed her lungs out for wasting the money.

"Yeah! What's the big deal?", she said simply. "You can go upstairs if you want to see him.", she said.

Oh! I want to see him all the time. But recollecting what happened last night, should I even take that risk? My mind said a 'No!' but my heart said a 'Yes!'.

Hell ya! I am going. Let me see what he will do? He won't eat me up right? But how shall I initiate a conversation with him? Coffee! Yes, a coffee should do.

I was excited. I went and prepared him a coffee as quickly as possible.

Then I rushed upstairs.

I don't know where the gym is.

After almost four to five minutes I found it. It was a huge room with huge equipments and there he was working out.

My heartbeat skyrocketed when I saw him. His stomach muscles were expanding and contracting and the veins from his lower abs were popping out as if it was like a root of a tree.

My god! I couldn't help but stare at him amorously. I don't know how long did I stand there and finally, our eyes met!

Shit! He saw me staring at him. Now what?

I quickly averted my gaze. But then my eyes had their own plans so they started staring at him again.

He got up from where he was right now and started walking towards me with a frown on his face.

I am dead!

"If you have finished ogling at me, can you just tell me what brought you here?", he asked irritatingly.

"Umm.... Goo..ood Morning! I just brought you coffee.", I almost whispered the last word coffee.

He looked at the coffee mug and then at me.

He pressed his lips into a thin line in irritation and the next thing I knew was that the mug flew in the air and it hit the floor and broke.

It took me a few seconds to realize that he threw the coffee I made for him.

I felt very bad was an understatement.

I just stared at him with shock. I didn't expect that to happen.

I hate someone who doesn't realize the value of food!

"Listen, firstly, no one drinks anything while working out. Secondly, I don't drink coffee I drink only green tea and thirdly, there is absolutely no need for you to do such worthless free services for me as I care a damn!", he said by gritting his teeth.

Aah! That hurt!

He turned away and took two steps and then he turned again and looked back at me.

"If you think I will be devoted to you if you do all this then you are absolutely wrong! So just mind your own goddamn business!"

Too late, I already had tears in my eyes. I just couldn't move from the place when the words he said seeped into my mind.

"And yeah! Can you please stay away from me? It's just a humble request.", now he was mocking at me.

I shook my head down and just walked away from the place. I quickly wiped my tears off with the sleeve of my baggy t-shirt  and went downstairs.

Thank God! Caroline wasn't there anymore. So I went to our room I mean his room. I locked myself in the bathroom and started crying for god only knows how long.

After some time there was a knock at the door.

It was him. Shit!

"Are you gonna stay there the whole day, or do you have any plans to come out?", he almost barked.

I quickly washed my face and came out. He just brushed his arm past me and went inside. One of the servants was standing at the door. She gave a warm smile and said, "Breakfast is ready!"

"I will come", I said and went downstairs.

"Let's wait for Luiz!", Caroline said after I reached the table.

Oh god no!

I don't know what innovative methods are coming up at the breakfast by him, to taunt me. 

Dear High Fliers!!

Please make me feel happy by clicking the star at the end of this chapter.


Love you all <3

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