Chapter 34

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I opened the box and gave him the smartphone. He swiped on it which made a beep sound.

"See this is how you unlock the phone.", he closed the screen and opened again and swiped it.

The screen changed and it had tulip flowers' photo which was looking very beautiful.

"Wow the screen and the flowers are beautiful.", I said.

"It is not screen, it is display. Now concentrate.", he said.

Why can't I just shut my mouth when I don't know anything.

"Now lock and unlock your phone.", he said and gave it to me.

I did so. But after I unlocked the phone, something got pressed by itself and I was able to see my face.

Guess it is camera.

"You pressed the shortcut of Camera.", he said irritatingly.

"Can we take a selfie with this?", I asked him excitingly.

I was always fascinated to take photographs and selfies when I used to see Annie doing so.

"Yeah. But we will do that later.", Luiz said dismissingly.

"Please. I want to take now itself.", I said.

"Okay come here.", saying that he pulled me closer to him.

"Look there". he said.

I looked at the phone.

"Camera is here Lara. Where are you looking.", he said in an irritating tone.

How would I know where is camera?

I and Luiz were clicked in that photo. He was looking good but I didn't. My nose looked big.

"I am not looking good in this photo. Can we take another one?", I asked him.

"Not now.", he said in a curt way.

"Okay", I felt sad.

The complete next hour went in Luiz teaching me how to use the smartphone. He scolded me so many times when I pressed different buttons and opened different applications.

"I hate this phone. It is changing screens just because I touched it like a feather. This can be so misleading.", I said as I was frustrated.

"Relax. Even I was not born with a smart phone. I learnt how to use it. So can you.", he said.

He looked tired.

"Enough for today. I want to sleep.", I said.

"You never slept this early. So, no excuses.", he said.

I saw a diary icon.

"What is this.", I asked him.

"It is an app that helps you make notes every day or whenever you want. It also gives you reminders.", he said.

"Luiz?", I wanted to ask him something.

"Yeah.", he said.

"Do you still write diary?", I asked.

"No, after Maryam's death, I involved myself in work so much that I never got time for all that. Moreover, there was nothing special that happened in my life after that. So, I never wrote anything after that."

I remembered Sarah showing internet to me that day, where I saw so much about Luiz.

"Is there an internet facility in it.?", I asked.

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