Chapter 40

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Instead of confronting Alex, Luiz grabbed me from Alex's hold. I gasped when I hit Luiz's chest.

"Well, I never take a NO.", Luiz said in a commanding voice.

Then he was dragging me from the dance floor.

"Won't you dance with me?", I asked him.

His mouth twitched and he said, "Don't be desperate."

So, he is back to being rude. Who told him that I am desperate? I thought he wanted to dance with me.

But wait, why will he dance with a girl like me? He will dance with someone beautiful and smart like Maryam, not a dumb like me.

"Is there something between you and my brother?", Portia asked me in a surprised voice after Luiz dragged me away from the dance floor.

"Well yeah, your brother desires me.", I said.

Her eyes grew bigger in shock.

"What the fuck!", she screamed.

"Hey hey! It is Luiz who told that to me.", I said pointing my finger towards Luiz.

She looked at him and said, "This is ridiculous Luiz. I didn't expect this from you."

"Let's talk about this later.", he said and started walking outside by holding my hand.

"There is no later, I hate you.", she screamed again.

"Go ask that bro of yours.", Luiz shouted back.

I walked briskly. I felt dizzier now. I just wanted to sleep.

I sat in the car.

Finally! I can sleep.

After sometime I heard Luiz's voice.

"Lara get up! I said get up! We came home.", he was shouting.

"You go I will sleep here.", I said curling my body on the seat.

"Fuck!", saying that he pulled me out of car as if I was weightless and closed the door with a thud.

I was not even able to stand. All I felt was that I wanted to sleep.

"Now walk.", he said.

I was in no mood to listen to him. I was about to sleep on the ground right there.

To my surprise he lifted me on his shoulder.

Ohh no, my stomach is being pressed against his hard shoulder. I felt like my stomach was being hit repeatedly. My head was spinning more as my face was upside down and all I saw was the back of the grey blazer he wore.

"Luiz put me down. You are hurting my stomach.", I said.

But he didn't care. Instead, he took longer strides and when we entered home, he was pretty quick on stairs.

"My stomach is grinding.", I shouted.

Then finally, he put me on his bed.

"What joy do you get from hurting me so much?", I said in a shaky voice and sat on bed.

"Don't talk rubbish!", he said in an angry tone.

"Is it because of Alex?", I asked him.

He fisted my hair in his palm and pulled me gently to his face.

"I really do not care.", he said.

"Okay.. but I love you and not him.", I told him.

He gazed at me for long. He held both my shoulders and placed my head on the pillow.

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