Chapter 5

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Woah!! 300 reads? I am sooo happy!! Love you guys!! Here is another update... Cheers! 

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After waiting for almost twenty minutes Luiz came down dressed in a blue tuxedo.

Does this guy ever fail to look handsome? Anyways I won't talk to him after what he did sometime ago. So, I just averted my eyes.

A cook came from the kitchen bringing the breakfast she prepared. The aroma of the food was amazing and made my stomach rumble.

"She is Jane. The cook over here.", Caroline smiled and introduced her.

"Hii!", she said meekly.

"Hello! How long have you been working here?", I asked.

"Two years.", she replied.

"She comes here at six in the morning and leaves at six in the evening. She is very sincere and is an amazing cook.", Caroline said all excited.

"If we are done with the introductions, can we start having breakfast? I cannot afford to get late for the work.", Luiz said.

Why should he be a mood spoiler all the time? Can't he see people being happy?

I started serving food along with Jane.

"Please sit mam, I shall serve for all of you.", she said.

"Oh, just call me Lara." I said.

"Yeah Lara, come and sit she will manage.", Caroline added.

Truly irritated by now, Luiz said, "Don't pamper her too much mom. She can't just have the free food over here. Let her do some work!"

Hurt mixed with anger, my temper just flared.

I kept the dish which was in my hand on the table with a thud and quickly started running upstairs.

I really can't tolerate anyone hurting my self-respect.

"Lara.... Lara stop!!", Caroline said.

I stopped at the middle of the staircase and looked back at her.

"Don't mind about what he says.", she said.

"Did I say anything wrong?", Luiz said by lifting one of his eyebrows.

I just looked at him with anger and ascended the remaining stairs.

I came to the room and sat on one of the couches. I held my head between my two hands and started crying.

Why does he hurt me so much? I know I don't earn anything. But I never wanted any free food. I am willing to work hard if I get a chance. But where should I go and work. I didn't even attend my high school. Who will consider me for their work?

I started crying more.

But I have to do something. I know I can't be a dependent on him or anyone for that matter. I may not have degrees but I do know that I am not a person who gives up that easily. I am confident about it.

Just then Luiz entered the room and saw me crying. Not minding that I was even there in the room he just took his bag and left.

After few minutes, I just wiped my tears with the back of my palm. Just then, Caroline entered the room.

"Why did you not have breakfast with us? You did not even come back when I asked you to do so.", she said.

"I can't eat free food.", I just replied her.

"Don't be silly Lara. You are the member of our family now and it is not about free food. For that matter, even I am not earning now. Does that mean I am having free food?", she said.

"But I can't depend on anyone. I need to earn my own bread.", I said.

"Sure, you can darling! No one is stopping you from working. But you are one amongst us now so don't treat yourself in this way.", she said pacifying me.

"It's Luiz who is making me feel worth less.", I was almost going to cry again but I stopped myself from doing so.

"Relax! I know he is being rude now. But just give him some time. You cannot expect miracles to happen overnight.", she said giving me a ray of hope.

"Hmm." I replied.

She ran her hands on my hair and got up from the couch.

"Okay I am going to the orphanage now. See you in the evening.", she said.

I wish I joined her but I avoided asking it because I can't take that much of lenience from her.

"And by the way I will ask Portia to help you buy new clothes.", she said.

"No, I can't. I am comfortable with the current ones.", I said.

"There is no harm in buying more clothes and I will ask Portia to help you out with it. So no more arguments.", she said firmly.

I knew she didn't like my clothes and that is the reason why she was asking me to buy new clothes.

I just nodded my head.

"Go eat something. You might be hungry.", she said.

I nodded again and asked, "Who is Portia?"

"Aww.. she is my friend's daughter and a good friend of Luiz. She has a good sense of fashion.", she replied.

Ohh. This guy had friends? Then why did Luiz not marry her? Shit! What was I thinking?"

"Ohh ok but why all of a sudden are you sending me for shopping?"

"Oh well! I just thought you need a makeover and yeah, there will be a huge party at Cardoso Corporations. So you have to dress well as you will be the centre of attraction."

"What?" my eyeballs almost popped out.

A party? Me in a party? Of Cardoso Corporations? Well what is the big deal? I mean what is wrong with me? Where is your confidence Lara?

"What happened?", Caroline asked.

"Umm nothing.", I fake smiled.

"Don't worry. Portia will take care."

Saying that she left the room.

Did she sense my insecurity? Of course, she did.

I sighed.

What will I do that day? How will Luiz treat me in public? Oh God! I can't get insulted in public. It will be too much. Should I stay back? But I know Caroline will never allow me to do so. But what if Luiz himself says a NO? Let's hope for the best. I want to attend the party because I liked attending parties and socializing since childhood. I will not be scared to face anyone because my intentions are pure. But then I just hope Luiz doesn't treat me the way he treats me at home.

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