Chapter 67

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After a lot of arguments with my grand mom, I moved to Luiz's house. The miracle was that, even my grand mom agreed to move along with me to the mansion.

"Let's go out for lunch Lara.", Luiz said.

"Yeah sure. I will dress up and come.", I said.

After I was back to the mansion, Luiz showered his love on me. I sometimes used to wonder if he is the same cold and aloof man I knew.

He was so full of life. One thing was for sure, I can never get enough of him.

I love him so much! 

My grandma gave him a hard time. She was still not convinced with him.

To be frank, even I was not. But I didn't have the energy to fight my feelings for him anymore. Moreover, I was really busy with my work and I was not willing to waste my time in having a troubled relationship with the person I love the most in the world.

The work was becoming more hectic for me. It was a wave of responsibilities which I had to face.

I was not able to concentrate more on my studies as Luiz used to make love to me every night after my busy schedule in the office. I couldn't resist him so I can't blame him alone.

I have to somehow convey him soon that I need time to prepare for my courses as the assignment dates were approaching and I had to give my best.

We were having lunch in a fancy restaurant.

"Luiz I have my tests and assignments approaching for the online courses I took up.", I said.

"Great! Let me know if I can help you.", he said.

"Actually, post work I need to prepare.", I said by giving him an indirect hint.

"Okay. I shall take care of the dinner and you study.", he said giving me an assured smile.

"I also want to stay up late nights for preparation.", I said.

His expression changed. His mouth twitched.

"So, you are trying to say that I should not keep you engaged?", he smiled again by raising one of his eyebrows.

"For few days. Please.", I said.

"Of course, I understand Lara. It will be very difficult for me. But I will do anything to make you happy. So, no problem.", he said.

I smiled and continued having my lunch.

After having lunch, Luiz took me on a long drive.

Suddenly, the car halted in front of a house which I didn't know.

"Whose house is this?", I asked him.

"This house belongs to Maryam", he said.

My happiness was instantly lost.

What am I doing? I have to trust him.

"Is it some urgent official work?", I asked him.

"Its urgent but not official.", he said.

In few seconds, Maryam came out. She was dressed casually.

She came and sat at the backseat of the car.

"Hello Sir. Hello Mam.", she said with a polite smile.

I nodded with a smile.

I was madam of this smart girl in front of me.

Caroline placed Maryam to work under me and help me through my work.

It had been two weeks since we arrived from Germany and since then, she was reporting me.

"Where are we going Sir?", she asked Luiz.

"You will know soon.", he said.

After a drive of almost forty minutes, we reached to another house which looked like a villa.

"I am not coming inside Luiz. I can't face him after what I did to him.", she said to him.

"Lara come with me.", he said and started walking inside the house.

Both me and Maryam followed him towards the door.

After Luiz knocked the door, I saw Eric.

His eyes met Maryam and I was sure that he loved her a lot. His eyes conveyed a lot.

I looked at her and I saw that she just averted her eyes in guilt.

He called all of us inside his home.

"Why?", Luiz asked.

Eric bent his head and said, "I am sorry bro. I loved her a lot. In fact, I still love her but I can't accept a person in my life who uses and throws me like a garbage. So, there is nothing between us anymore."

"Initially, it hurt me a lot to know about both of you and trust me, had it been that I still loved Maryam, I would have killed both of you right away after knowing the truth. But by the time she was back in my life, my priorities changed.", Luiz said by looking and smiling at me.

"But Maryam can never love me back Luiz and it hurts a lot.", he said.

"I am sorry Eric.", Maryam said after a long pause.

"I forgave you long time ago Maryam. To love you is to forgive you.", Eric said.

There were tears pricking from Maryam's eyes and a sob escaped her mouth.

"It's not the time to cry Maryam. You have to realize how much Eric loves you. I fell in love with Lara. The day I fell in love with her, I realized that it's more important to love a person who loves you more than you love them.", Luiz said.

"He was there with you in the most crucial stage of your life. You may not realize now but I can see what you are losing.", Luiz added.

"Leave it Luiz. I don't want a person who doesn't love me back.", Eric said irritatingly.

"Can you guys give us a moment?", Maryam asked eyeing towards me and Luiz.

Luiz took my palm in his palm.

"We will leave now.", he said and we left both of them alone.

"What do you think will Maryam do?", I asked Luiz as we were driving back.

"She wants to get back with Eric.", he said.

I was shocked.

"How do you know?", I asked him.

"Maryam is very smart. She would never lose a person who loves and cares for her so much. Moreover, she is so lucky to have him in her life. Even though he betrayed me as a friend, I know him well and I can say that he is an amazing person and would always keep her happy.", he said.

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