Chapter 7.

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"Good morning, Red" Steve said not looking up from the frying pan. Steve had learnt to cook for himself since his parents were often out. Max froze by the stairs and stopped creeping. She straightened herself up looking over at Steve. "It's fine Max we know you're here, Mike told us last night." Max shot a hard look at Mike who refused to meet her eyes, playing with his spoon in his cereal bowl. Nancy looked up from her plate and smiled warmly at the girl, which Max felt herself returning instantly. She made her way to the table, glancing around her as she did. "Our parents aren't back." Nancy informed her. Max nodded and exhaled, wrapping the blanket Mike gave her further around her arms and legs. "What'll you have?" Steve asked from the kitchen. "I don't mind" Max replied, she felt on edge, she didn't like being the centre of attention, and although Mike, Nancy and Steve were doing their best to busy themselves she could still feel it.

Steve placed a plate of warm eggs in front of Max. Her stomach immediately rumbled loudly, causing all three to look at her. "Sorry." She mumbled, embarrassed. Nancy smiled at her "it's fine, when did you last eat?" Max's lip twitched, and she looked down at the plate, avoiding her gaze. Nancy's smile dropped a little. "It's alright. You don't have to tell us." Nancy said after a while, knowing she wouldn't get a response. Steve cleared his throat and sat down next to Nancy, pouring a glass of orange juice. The meal was spent in silence, with all of them staring at their plates with their heads down. Once finished, Nancy and Mike headed to the kitchen to wash the dishes leaving Steve and Max on the sofa alone.

"Max, you've got to tell us how you got those injuries." Steve said, sternly. "You can at least tell me." He added softening his voice. Max shook her head. She knew what would happen. Someone would tell the authorities and then Neil and Billy would be taken away or some shit, leaving the fucked up thing that her mom calls a 'family' incomplete. That would definitely tip her mom off the edge, like she had been after Max's father passed away. Max couldn't deal with that again, and she couldn't do that to her mom. "I was skating too fast and fell really hard, Steve." Max lied lamely. "Bullshit!" Mike shouted from behind them, causing Steve and Max to jump. "That is such bullshit Max and we all know it." He continued his pitch going higher. Nancy placed a hand on her brother's shoulder, squeezing it. "You've all done enough for me, a-and I'm grateful but —" "but what Max?" Mike cried out. "Mike, calm down." Steve cautioned in a low voice. Mike turned his face towards Max, locking eyes with her. He shook his head at slowly at her, as if disappointed, before stalking out the room.

"You heard the whole thing?" Mike groaned. "Yeah, you um left the line on, so it was kinda hard not to..." Dustin answered timidly from the walkie talkie. "Fuck" Mike muttered laying down on his bed. "I just don't get her problem, she's being hurt but wants to carry on like... like... it's all normal? It's just..." Mike shut his mouth tightly and closed his eyes, why was he getting so worked up anyway? "Forget it, it's not my problem to deal with anymore, I've told Nancy and Steve... so job done, they can take it from here. It's clear she doesn't want my help anyways." Dustin sighed on the other side. "There's not much we can do anyway" he said sadly. "But we've done so much! We've fought fucking demogorgans and shit, but... ugh... whatever..." Mike could feel himself getting worked up again, his stomach had that bubbly feeling forming, churning into a knot. "Yeah" Dustin replied, that's all he really could say. Mike shut the antenna harshly and threw himself backwards on his bed.

There was a soft knock. Mike didn't answer. The knock was repeated, this time with the door being slowly opened. Max looked around shyly. "I just wanted to say thank you for... everything." Mike rolled onto his side, facing away from her. "Wheeler stop being a baby about it." Max attempted at joking. "I've accepted your thank you, so I think you should leave now." Mike said coldly. Max opened her mouth about to say something but decided against it, firmly shutting it. A beat had passed when Max finally said "Well see you around Mike." "Doubt it..." the boy mumbled sullenly into the bed. He heard the door shut quietly and felt a sinking feeling as he closed his eyes, his nose had started to sting.

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